PLS-00365: ‘string’ is an OUT parameter and cannot be read


PLS-00365: 'string' is an OUT parameter and cannot be read
Cause: An attempt was made to assign the value of an OUT parameter to another parameter or variable. Inside a procedure, an OUT parameter acts like an uninitialized variable; therefore, its value cannot be read. For example, the following assignments are illegal: 

PROCEDURE calc_bonus (bonus OUT REAL, ...) IS 

     rating REAL; 

     wages REAL; 



     IF rating > 90 THEN 

          bonus := bonus * 2; -- illegal 

          SELECT sal + bonus INTO wages FROM emp ... -- illegal 

     ... END IF; 


END calc_bonus;
Action: Use an IN OUT parameter instead of the OUT parameter. Inside a procedure, an IN OUT parameter acts like an initialized variable; therefore, its value can be read.

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