ORA-36600 TO ORA-36699


ORA-36608: (XSAGHOVERFLOW) The depth of the hierarchies encountered while processing a composite dimension in AGGREGATE caused a counter overflow
ORA-36610: (XSLMS00) Unable to locate a message file for OLAP message: valuet
ORA-36612: (XSLMS01) invalid OLAP message number: valuet
ORA-36614: (XSLMS02) %a string number %p attempted to retrieve a nonexistent user message. (Message number %p)
ORA-36616: (XSAGMODHIER01) %a workspace object workspace object MODEL %p cannot be added to AGGMAP %p, because it is dimensioned by a dimension not contained in the AGGMAP
ORA-36618: (XSAGMODDIM00) workspace object is not a valid model for AGGMAP ADD
ORA-36628: (XSAGMODLIST03) MODEL workspace object could not be added to AGGMAP workspace object
ORA-36630: (XSDUNION00) An empty base dimension list was specified in the concat dimension definition
ORA-36632: (XSDUNION01) The concat dimension workspace object is not currently defined as UNIQUE
ORA-36634: (XSDUNION02) INTEGER dimension workspace object cannot be used as a concat dimension base
ORA-36635: (XSDUNION03) The base dimension workspace object has an invalid datatype for use in a UNIQUE concat definition
ORA-36636: (XSDUNION04) The unique concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to NOT UNIQUE, because it is a base of at least one other unique concat dimension
ORA-36637: (XSDUNION05) The concat dimension cannot be defined as UNIQUE because it has a non-unique concat base dimension workspace object
ORA-36638: (XSDUNION17) Concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to UNIQUE because it has a non-unique concat base dimension workspace object
ORA-36639: (XSDUNION18) UNIQUE cannot be applied to this concat dimension because leaves workspace object and workspace object share the value number
ORA-36640: (XSDUNION19) Concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to UNIQUE because base dimension workspace object does not have a TEXT or ID datatype
ORA-36641: (XSDUNION20) The concat dimension must be defined as UNIQUE because base dimension workspace object contains custom member values
ORA-36642: (XSDUNION06) Concat dimension list contains duplicate leaf dimension workspace object
ORA-36643: (XSDUNION21) Concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to NOT UNIQUE because it contains custom member values
ORA-36644: (XSDUNION07) Concat dimension workspace object contains a previously detected leaf dimension
ORA-36646: (XSDUNION08) Only concat dimensions can be redefined as UNIQUE. workspace object is not a concat dimension
ORA-36648: (XSDUNION09) Concat dimension workspace object is already defined as UNIQUE
ORA-36650: (XSDUNION10) Concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to UNIQUE. Leaves workspace object and workspace object share the value number
ORA-36652: (XSDUNION11) workspace object is not a string type dimension
ORA-36664: (XSDPART02) You must specify a partitioning method and one or more partition dimensions when defining a PARTITION TEMPLATE
ORA-36665: (XSDPART03) workspace object is not in the dimension list of the PARTITION TEMPLATE
ORA-36666: (XSDPART04) workspace object is not a concat dimension
ORA-36667: (XSDPART05) string is not a legal CONCAT partition
ORA-36668: (XSDPART06) string is not a legal RANGE partition
ORA-36669: (XSDPART07) string is not a legal LIST partition
ORA-36670: (XSDPART08) workspace object is an INTEGER or NTEXT dimension, or contains an INTEGER or NTEXT dimension. INTEGER and NTEXT dimensions cannot be used as partition dimensions
ORA-36671: (XSDPART09) Leaves of workspace object have different datatypes. A partition dimension cannot have more than one datatype when RANGE partitioning is used
ORA-36672: (XSDPART10) A RANGE or LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE can only have a single partition dimension
ORA-36673: (XSDPART11) Use simple leaf values to identify concat dimension values in a VALUES LESS THAN clause, rather than the format
ORA-36674: (XSDPART12) Invalid dimension value starting at string
ORA-36676: (XSDPART14) Missing dimension list for string
ORA-36677: (XSDPART15) Duplicate value in value lists of number and number
ORA-36678: (XSDPART16) workspace object is missing from one or more partition dimension lists
ORA-36679: (XSDPART17) workspace object contains a leaf (workspace object) that is not part of the partition dimension workspace object
ORA-36680: (XSDPART18) workspace object is not a dimension of the PARTITION TEMPLATE
ORA-36681: (XSDPART19) Partitions string and string are out of order
ORA-36682: (XSDPART20) Partition name string appears twice
ORA-36683: (XSDPART21) Partition string dimensioned by more than one composite
ORA-36684: (XSDPART22) You cannot rename values of DIMENSION workspace object because it is the partition dimension of RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object
ORA-36685: (XSDPART23) Only CONCAT partition templates can be subpartitioned
ORA-36686: (XSDPART24) Value number is not in partition number
ORA-36688: (NTEXTCNV00) Error during conversion from TEXT to NTEXT
ORA-36690: (NTEXTCNV01) Error during conversion from NTEXT to TEXT
ORA-36691: (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: string
ORA-36692: (XSRELTBL00) The format of the HIERHEIGHT command is: HIERHEIGHT relation1[(dimension dimvalue, …)] into relation2 [using relation3 | a | d] [levelorder lovs] [inhierarchy {variable | valueset}]
ORA-36694: (XSRELTBL01) The value cannot be added to dimension workspace object
ORA-36696: (XSRELTBL02) QDR dimension workspace object should not be the related dimension of the relation
ORA-36698: (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension workspace object should be in the dimension list that dimensions the relation



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