ORA-27400 TO ORA-27499


ORA-27411: empty string is not a valid repeat interval
ORA-27412: repeat interval or calendar contains invalid identifier: string
ORA-27413: repeat interval is too long
ORA-27414: Invalid BY value type
ORA-27415: repeat interval or calendar must start with the FREQ= clause
ORA-27416: BYDAY= clause in repeat interval or calendar contains an invalid weekday
ORA-27417: BYWEEKNO clause is only supported when FREQ=YEARLY
ORA-27418: syntax error in repeat interval or calendar
ORA-27419: unable to determine valid execution date from repeat interval
ORA-27421: usage of string not supported in a calendar definition
ORA-27431: chain string.string has a user-managed rule set
ORA-27432: step string does not exist for chain string.string
ORA-27433: cannot alter state of step string for job string.string to string
ORA-27434: cannot alter chain step job string.string.string
ORA-27435: chain job terminated abnormally
ORA-27451: %s cannot be NULL
ORA-27452: %s is an invalid name for a database object
ORA-27453: %s is an invalid job or program argument name
ORA-27454: argument name and position cannot be NULL
ORA-27455: Only “SYS” is a valid schema for a string
ORA-27456: not all arguments of program “string.string” have been defined
ORA-27457: argument string of job “string.string” has no value
ORA-27458: A program of type PLSQL_BLOCK cannot have any arguments
ORA-27459: A program of type EXECUTABLE must have character-only arguments
ORA-27460: cannot execute disabled job “string.string”
ORA-27461: The value for attribute string is too large
ORA-27463: invalid program type string
ORA-27464: invalid schedule type string
ORA-27465: invalid value string for attribute string
ORA-27467: invalid datatype for string value
ORA-27468: “string.string” is locked by another process
ORA-27469: %s is not a valid string attribute
ORA-27470: failed to re-enable “string.string” after making requested change
ORA-27471: window “string.string” is already closed
ORA-27472: invalid metadata attribute string
ORA-27473: argument string does not exist
ORA-27474: cannot give both an argument name and an argument position
ORA-27475: “string.string” must be a string
ORA-27476: “string.string” does not exist
ORA-27477: “string.string” already exists
ORA-27478: job “string.string” is running
ORA-27479: Cannot string “string.string” because other objects depend on it
ORA-27480: window “string” is currently open
ORA-27481: “string.string” has an invalid schedule
ORA-27483: “string.string” has an invalid END_DATE
ORA-27484: Argument names are not supported for jobs without a program
ORA-27485: argument string already exists at a different position
ORA-27486: insufficient privileges
ORA-27487: invalid object privilege for a string
ORA-27488: unable to set string because string was/were already set
ORA-27489: unable to process job “string.string” from job class “string”
ORA-27490: cannot open disabled window “string.string”
ORA-27491: repeat_interval and start_date cannot both be NULL



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