ORA-22800 TO ORA-22899


ORA-22800: invalid user-defined type
ORA-22801: invalid object row variable
ORA-22803: object type contains zero attributes
ORA-22804: remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns
ORA-22805: cannot insert NULL object into object tables or nested tables
ORA-22806: not an object or REF
ORA-22807: cannot resolve to a scalar type or a collection type
ORA-22808: REF dereferencing not allowed
ORA-22809: nonexistent attribute
ORA-22810: cannot modify object attributes with REF dereferencing
ORA-22812: cannot reference nested table column’s storage table
ORA-22813: operand value exceeds system limits
ORA-22814: attribute or element value is larger than specified in type
ORA-22816: unsupported feature with RETURNING clause
ORA-22817: subquery not allowed in the default clause
ORA-22818: subquery expressions not allowed here
ORA-22819: scope of input value does not correspond to the scope of the target
ORA-22826: cannot construct an instance of a non instantiable type
ORA-22828: input pattern or replacement parameters exceed 32K size limit
ORA-22833: Must cast a transient type to a persistent type
ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: string, maximum: string)
ORA-22850: duplicate LOB storage option specificed
ORA-22851: invalid CHUNK LOB storage option value
ORA-22852: invalid PCTVERSION LOB storage option value
ORA-22853: invalid LOB storage option specification
ORA-22854: invalid option for LOB storage index
ORA-22855: optional name for LOB storage segment incorrectly specified
ORA-22856: cannot add columns to object tables
ORA-22857: cannot modify columns of object tables
ORA-22858: invalid alteration of datatype
ORA-22859: invalid modification of columns
ORA-22860: object type expected
ORA-22861: invalid user-defined type
ORA-22862: specified object identifier doesn’t match existing object identifier
ORA-22863: synonym for datatype string.string not allowed
ORA-22864: cannot ALTER or DROP LOB indexes
ORA-22865: more than one column specified
ORA-22866: default character set is of varying width
ORA-22868: table with LOBs contains segments in different tablespaces
ORA-22869: depth of type dependency hierarchy exceeds maximum limit
ORA-22870: ALTER TYPE with REPLACE option a non-object type
ORA-22871: ALTER TYPE with REPLACE is not allowed for pure incomplete types
ORA-22872: OID INDEX clause not allowed on tables with primary key based object identifiers
ORA-22873: primary key not specified for primary key based object table
ORA-22874: attribute “string” is not part of the type “string”
ORA-22875: cannot drop primary key of an object table whose object identifier is primary key based
ORA-22876: this user-defined type is not allowed or it cannot be used in this context
ORA-22877: invalid option specified for a HASH partition or subpartition of a LOB column
ORA-22878: duplicate LOB partition or subpartition specified
ORA-22879: cannot use the LOB INDEX clause for partitioned tables
ORA-22880: invalid REF
ORA-22881: dangling REF
ORA-22882: object creation failed
ORA-22883: object deletion failed
ORA-22884: object modification failed
ORA-22885: cannot get REF to a non-persistent object
ORA-22886: scoped table “string” in schema “string” is not an object table
ORA-22887: type of REF column is not the same as that of its scoped table
ORA-22888: duplicate SCOPE clauses for a REF column
ORA-22889: REF value does not point to scoped table
ORA-22890: cannot specify name for REF column constraint
ORA-22891: cannot have multiple columns in REF constraint
ORA-22892: scoped table “string” does not exist in schema “string”
ORA-22893: constraint can be specified only for REF columns
ORA-22894: cannot add constraint on existing unscoped REF columns of non-empty tables
ORA-22895: referenced table “string” in schema “string” is not an object table
ORA-22896: cannot have both scope and referential constraint on REF column “string”
ORA-22897: no scope clause specified for user-defined REF column “string”
ORA-22898: existing scope clause on “string” points to a table other than the one mentioned in the referential constraint
ORA-22899: cannot specify both scope and rowid constraint on ref column



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