ORA-22300 TO ORA-22399


ORA-22303: type “string”.”string” not found
ORA-22304: input type is not an object type
ORA-22305: attribute/method/parameter “string” not found
ORA-22306: type “string”.”string” already exists
ORA-22307: operation must be on a user-defined type
ORA-22308: operation not allowed on evolved type
ORA-22309: attribute with name “string” already exists
ORA-22310: ALTER TYPE error. Refer to table “string”.”string” for errors
ORA-22311: type for attribute “string” does not exist
ORA-22312: must specify either CASCADE or INVALIDATE option
ORA-22313: cannot use two versions of the same type “string”
ORA-22314: method information mismatch in ALTER TYPE
ORA-22315: type “string” does not contain a map or order function
ORA-22316: input type is not a collection type
ORA-22317: typecode number is not legal as a number type
ORA-22318: input type is not an array type
ORA-22319: type attribute information altered in ALTER TYPE
ORA-22320: missing user version string
ORA-22321: method does not return any result
ORA-22322: error table “string”.”string” has incorrect structure
ORA-22323: error table “string”.”string” does not exist
ORA-22324: altered type has compilation errors
ORA-22326: cannot change a type to FINAL if it has subtypes
ORA-22327: cannot change a type to NOT INSTANTIABLE if it has dependent tables
ORA-22328: object “string”.”string” has errors. string
ORA-22329: cannot alter a non-object type
ORA-22330: cannot alter a type that is not valid
ORA-22331: cannot alter an incomplete type
ORA-22332: a dependent object in schema “string” has errors. string
ORA-22333: cannot reset type “string”.”string” due to invalid dependent types and tables
ORA-22334: cannot reset type “string”.”string”. Dependent tables must be upgraded to latest version
ORA-22335: The client cannot work with an altered type
ORA-22336: table contained 8.0 image format, must specify INCLUDING DATA
ORA-22337: the type of accessed object has been evolved
ORA-22338: must specify CASCADE INCLUDING DATA when altering the final property
ORA-22339: cannot alter to not final since its attribute column is substitutable
ORA-22340: cannot string type “string”.”string”. Dependent tables must be upgraded to latest version
ORA-22341: cannot assign supertype instance to subtype
ORA-22342: dependent VARRAY column exceeds the maximum inline column size
ORA-22343: Compilation error for type invalidated by ALTER TYPE
ORA-22344: can not specify CONVERT TO SUBSTITUTABLE option for ALTER TYPE other than NOT FINAL change
ORA-22345: recompile type string.string before attempting this operation
ORA-22346: Type has cyclical dependency. Should use CASCADE option
ORA-22347: No changes to type specified for ALTER TYPE
ORA-22369: invalid parameter encountered in method string
ORA-22370: incorrect usage of method string
ORA-22371: Table contains data of type string.string, version string, which does not exist



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