ORA-00276: CHANGE keyword specified but no change number given
Cause: The CHANGE keyword was specified on the command line, but no change number was given.
Action: Retry the command using a valid change number after the CHANGE keyword.
ORA-00276: CHANGE keyword specified but no change number given
Cause: The CHANGE keyword was specified on the command line, but no change number was given.
Action: Retry the command using a valid change number after the CHANGE keyword.
ORA-00275: media recovery has already been started
Cause: An attempt was made to start a second media recovery operation in the same session.
Action: Complete or cancel the first media recovery session or start another session to perform media recovery.
ORA-00274: illegal recovery option string
Cause: An illegal option was specified for a recovery command.
Action: Correct the syntax and retry the command.
ORA-00273: media recovery of direct load data that was not logged
Cause: A media recovery session encountered a table that was loaded by the direct loader without logging any redo information. Some or all of the blocks in this table are now marked as corrupt.
Action: The table must be dropped or truncated so that the corrupted blocks can be reused. If a more recent backup of the file is available, try to recover this file to eliminate this error.
ORA-00272: error writing archive log string
Cause: An I/O error occurred while archiving a redo log file.
Action: Check that the output device is still available and correct any device errors that may have occurred. Also, make certain that sufficient space for archiving is available on the output device.
ORA-00271: there are no logs that need archiving
Cause: An attempt was made to archive the unarchived redo log files manually, but there are no files that need to be archived.
Action: No action required.
ORA-00270: error creating archive log string
Cause: An error was encountered when either creating or opening the destination file for archiving.
Action: Check that the archive destination is valid and that there is sufficient space on the destination device.
ORA-00269: specified log file is part of thread string not string
Cause: The given redo log file is not part of the given thread
Action: Check that the thread of the redo log file matches the thread on the command line. If not, use a redo log file from the appropriate thread. Retry the command after correcting the error.
ORA-00268: specified log file does not exist ‘string’
Cause: The given redo log file does not exist.
Action: Check the spelling and capitalization of the filename and retry the command.
ORA-00267: name of archived log file not needed
Cause: During media recovery, the name of an archived redo log file was entered, but no name was requested.
Action: Continue media recovery, but do not enter a new log name.