ORA-00200 TO ORA-00299

ORA-00200 TO ORA-00299

ORA-00200: control file could not be created
ORA-00201: control file version string incompatible with ORACLE version string
ORA-00202: control file: ‘string’
ORA-00203: using the wrong control files
ORA-00204: error in reading (block string, # blocks string) of control file
ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info
ORA-00206: error in writing (block string, # blocks string) of control file
ORA-00207: control files are not for the same database
ORA-00208: number of control file names exceeds limit of string
ORA-00209: control file blocksize mismatch, check alert log for more info
ORA-00210: cannot open the specified control file
ORA-00211: control file does not match previous control files
ORA-00212: block size string below minimum required size of string bytes
ORA-00213: cannot reuse control file; old file size string, string required
ORA-00214: control file ‘string’ version string inconsistent with file ‘string’ version string
ORA-00215: must be at least one control file
ORA-00216: control file could not be resized for migration from 8.0.2
ORA-00217: control file could not be resized for new record types
ORA-00218: block size string of control file ‘string’ does not match DB_BLOCK_SIZE (string)
ORA-00219: required control file size (string logical blocks) exceeds maximum allowable size (string logical blocks)
ORA-00220: control file not mounted by first instance, check alert log for more info
ORA-00221: error on write to control file
ORA-00222: operation would reuse name of a currently mounted control file
ORA-00223: convert file is invalid or incorrect version
ORA-00224: control file resize attempted with illegal record type (string)
ORA-00225: expected size string of control file differs from actual size string
ORA-00226: operation disallowed while alternate control file open
ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file: (block string, # blocks string)
ORA-00228: length of alternate control file name exceeds maximum of string
ORA-00229: operation disallowed: already hold snapshot control file enqueue
ORA-00230: operation disallowed: snapshot control file enqueue unavailable
ORA-00231: snapshot control file has not been named
ORA-00232: snapshot control file is nonexistent, corrupt, or unreadable
ORA-00233: copy control file is corrupt or unreadable
ORA-00234: error in identifying or opening snapshot or copy control file
ORA-00235: control file fixed table inconsistent due to concurrent update
ORA-00236: snapshot operation disallowed: mounted control file is a backup
ORA-00237: snapshot operation disallowed: control file newly created
ORA-00238: operation would reuse a filename that is part of the database
ORA-00250: archiver not started
ORA-00251: LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST cannot be the same destination as string string
ORA-00252: log string of thread string is empty, cannot archive
ORA-00253: character limit string exceeded by archive destination string string
ORA-00254: error in archive control string ‘string’
ORA-00255: error archiving log string of thread string, sequence # string
ORA-00256: cannot translate archive destination string string
ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed
ORA-00258: manual archiving in NOARCHIVELOG mode must identify log
ORA-00259: log string of open instance string (thread string) is the current log, cannot archive
ORA-00260: cannot find online log sequence string for thread string
ORA-00261: log string of thread string is being archived or modified
ORA-00262: current log string of closed thread string cannot switch
ORA-00263: there are no logs that need archiving for thread string
ORA-00264: no recovery required
ORA-00265: instance recovery required, cannot set ARCHIVELOG mode
ORA-00266: name of archived log file needed
ORA-00267: name of archived log file not needed
ORA-00268: specified log file does not exist ‘string’
ORA-00269: specified log file is part of thread string not string
ORA-00270: error creating archive log string
ORA-00271: there are no logs that need archiving
ORA-00272: error writing archive log string
ORA-00273: media recovery of direct load data that was not logged
ORA-00274: illegal recovery option string
ORA-00275: media recovery has already been started
ORA-00276: CHANGE keyword specified but no change number given
ORA-00277: illegal option to the UNTIL recovery flag string
ORA-00278: log file ‘string’ no longer needed for this recovery
ORA-00279: change string generated at string needed for thread string
ORA-00280: change string for thread string is in sequence #string
ORA-00281: media recovery may not be performed using dispatcher
ORA-00282: UPI string call not supported, use ALTER DATABASE RECOVER
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-00284: recovery session still in progress
ORA-00285: TIME not given as a string constant
ORA-00286: no members available, or no member contains valid data
ORA-00287: specified change number string not found in thread string
ORA-00288: to continue recovery type ALTER DATABASE RECOVER CONTINUE
ORA-00289: suggestion : string
ORA-00290: operating system archival error occurred. See error below
ORA-00291: numeric value required for PARALLEL option
ORA-00292: parallel recovery feature not installed
ORA-00293: control file out of sync with redo log
ORA-00294: invalid archivelog format specifier ‘string’
ORA-00295: datafile/tempfile number string is invalid, must be between 1 and string
ORA-00296: maximum number of files (string) exceeded for RECOVER DATAFILE LIST
ORA-00298: Missing or invalid attribute value
ORA-00299: must use file-level media recovery on data file string


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