ORA-14600 TO ORA-14699

ORA-14600 TO ORA-14699

ORA-14601: Illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE-IN while specifying a subpartition template
ORA-14602: SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE is legal only for a composite partitioned table
ORA-14603: [SUBPARTITIONS | SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE] subpartition_count syntax is valid only for range-hash tables
ORA-14604: During CREATE TABLE time it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE IN once a SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE has been specified
ORA-14605: Name missing for subpartition / lob segment in template
ORA-14606: Tablespace was specified for previous subpartitions in template but is not specified for string
ORA-14607: Tablespace was not specified for previous subpartitions in template but is specified for string
ORA-14608: Tablespace was specified for the previous lob segments of column string in template but is not specified for string
ORA-14609: Tablespace was not specified for the previous lob segments of column string in template but is specified for string
ORA-14610: Lob attributes not specified for lob column string for subpartition string
ORA-14611: Duplicate subpartition name string in template
ORA-14612: Duplicate lob segment name string for lob column string in template
ORA-14613: Attempt to generate name from parent name string and template name string failed as the combine named would have been longer than allowed
ORA-14614: List value ‘string’ specified twice in subpartition ‘string’
ORA-14615: List value ‘string’ specified twice in subpartitions ‘string’, ‘string’
ORA-14616: table is not subpartitioned by List method
ORA-14617: cannot add/drop values to DEFAULT subpartition
ORA-14618: cannot drop the last value of subpartition
ORA-14619: resulting List subpartition(s) must contain at least 1 value
ORA-14620: DEFAULT subpartition already exists
ORA-14621: cannot add subpartition when DEFAULT subpartition exists
ORA-14622: Value string already exists in subpartition string
ORA-14623: Value string does not exist in subpartition string
ORA-14624: DEFAULT subpartition must be last subpartition specified
ORA-14625: subpartition contains rows corresponding to values being dropped
ORA-14626: values being added already exist in DEFAULT subpartition
ORA-14627: Invalid operation was specified on a GLOBAL partitioned index
ORA-14628: specification of bounds is inconsistent with LIST method
ORA-14629: cannot drop the only subpartition of a partition
ORA-14630: subpartition resides in offlined tablespace
ORA-14631: the partition bounds do not match the subpartition bounds of the partition
ORA-14632: cannot specify PARALLEL clause when adding a List subpartition
ORA-14633: Index maintainence clause not allowed for ADD list subpartition to a Composite partitioned table
ORA-14634: Subpartition descriptions cannot be specified during the SPLIT/MERGE of a partition of a Range-List partitioned table
ORA-14635: only one resulting subpartition can be specified for MERGE SUBPARTITIONS
ORA-14636: only 2 resulting subpartition can be specified for SPLIT SUBPARTITION
ORA-14637: cannot merge a subpartition with itself
ORA-14638: cannot MERGE subpartitions in different Range Composite partitions
ORA-14639: SUBPARTITIONS clause can be specfied only for Hash, Composite Range Hash table/partition
ORA-14640: add/coalesce index partition operation is valid only for hash partitioned global indexes
ORA-14641: STORE-IN clause can be specified only for a Hash, Composite Range Hash table/partition
ORA-14642: Bitmap index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
ORA-14643: Hakan factor mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
ORA-14644: table is not subpartitioned by Hash method
ORA-14645: STORE IN clause cannot be specified for Range List objects
ORA-14646: Specified alter table operation involving compression cannot be performed in the presence of usable bitmap indexes


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