ORA-14000 TO ORA-14099

ORA-14000 TO ORA-14099

ORA-14000: only one LOCAL clause may be specified
ORA-14001: LOCAL clause contradicts previosly specified GLOBAL clause
ORA-14002: only one GLOBAL clause may be specified
ORA-14003: GLOBAL clause contradicts previosly specified LOCAL clause
ORA-14004: missing PARTITION keyword
ORA-14005: missing RANGE keyword
ORA-14006: invalid partition name
ORA-14007: missing LESS keyword
ORA-14008: missing THAN keyword
ORA-14009: partition bound may not be specified for a LOCAL index partition
ORA-14010: this physical attribute may not be specified for an index partition
ORA-14011: names assigned to resulting partitions must be distinct
ORA-14012: resulting partition name conflicts with that of an existing partition
ORA-14013: duplicate partition name
ORA-14014: maximum number of partitioning columns is 16
ORA-14015: too many partition descriptions
ORA-14016: underlying table of a LOCAL partitioned index must be partitioned
ORA-14017: partition bound list contains too many elements
ORA-14018: partition bound list contains too few elements
ORA-14019: partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or MAXVALUE
ORA-14020: this physical attribute may not be specified for a table partition
ORA-14021: MAXVALUE must be specified for all columns
ORA-14022: creation of LOCAL partitioned cluster indices is not supported
ORA-14023: creation of GLOBAL partitioned cluster indices is not supported
ORA-14024: number of partitions of LOCAL index must equal that of the underlying table
ORA-14025: PARTITION may not be specified for a materialized view or a materialized view log
ORA-14026: PARTITION and CLUSTER clauses are mutually exclusive
ORA-14027: only one PARTITION clause may be specified
ORA-14028: missing AT or VALUES keyword
ORA-14029: GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed
ORA-14030: non-existent partitioning column in CREATE TABLE statement
ORA-14031: partitioning column may not be of type LONG or LONG RAW
ORA-14032: partition bound of partition number string is too high
ORA-14036: partition bound value too large for column
ORA-14037: partition bound of partition “string” is too high
ORA-14038: GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed
ORA-14039: partitioning columns must form a subset of key columns of a UNIQUE index
ORA-14041: partition bound may not be specified for resulting partitions
ORA-14042: partition bound may not be specified for a partition being moved, modified or rebuilt
ORA-14043: only one partition may be added
ORA-14044: only one partition may be moved
ORA-14045: only one partition may be modified
ORA-14046: a partition may be split into exactly two new partitions
ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations
ORA-14048: a partition maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations
ORA-14051: invalid ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW option
ORA-14052: partition-extended table name syntax is disallowed in this context
ORA-14053: illegal attempt to modify string in string statement
ORA-14055: keyword REBUILD in ALTER INDEX REBUILD must immediately follow
ORA-14056: partition number string: sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100
ORA-14057: partition “string”: sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100
ORA-14058: partition number string: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value
ORA-14059: partition “string”: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value
ORA-14060: data type or length of a table partitioning column may not be changed
ORA-14061: data type or length of an index partitioning column may not be change
ORA-14062: one or more of table’s partitions reside in a read-only tablespace
ORA-14063: Unusable index exists on unique/primary constraint key
ORA-14064: Index with Unusable partition exists on unique/primary constraint key
ORA-14065: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for a partitioned table
ORA-14066: illegal option for a non-partitioned index-organized table
ORA-14067: duplicate TABLESPACE_NUMBER specification
ORA-14068: TABLESPACE and TABLESPACE_NUMBER may not be both specified
ORA-14069: invalid TABLESPACE_NUMBER value
ORA-14070: option may be specified only for partitioned indices or with REBUILD
ORA-14071: invalid option for an index used to enforce a constraint
ORA-14072: fixed table may not be truncated
ORA-14073: bootstrap table or cluster may not be truncated
ORA-14074: partition bound must collate higher than that of the last partition
ORA-14075: partition maintenance operations may only be performed on partitioned indices
ORA-14076: submitted alter index partition/subpartition operation is not valid for local partitioned index
ORA-14078: you may not drop the highest partition of a GLOBAL index
ORA-14079: illegal option for a partition marked Index Unusable
ORA-14080: partition cannot be split along the specified high bound
ORA-14081: new partition name must differ from the old partition name
ORA-14082: new partition name must differ from that of any other partition of the object
ORA-14083: cannot drop the only partition of a partitioned table
ORA-14084: you may specify TABLESPACE DEFAULT only for a LOCAL index
ORA-14085: partitioned table cannot have column with LONG datatype
ORA-14086: a partitioned index may not be rebuilt as a whole
ORA-14095: ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE requires a non-partitioned, non-clustered table
ORA-14096: tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION must have the same number of columns
ORA-14097: column type or size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
ORA-14098: index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
ORA-14099: all rows in table do not qualify for specified partition


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