ORA-13800 TO ORA-13899

ORA-13800 TO ORA-13899

ORA-13800: concurrent DDL failure on SQL repository objects
ORA-13801: invalid value for SQLTUNE_CATEGORY parameter
ORA-13802: failed to purge SQL Tuning Base entry from sql$
ORA-13825: missing SQL statement text for create SQL profile
ORA-13826: empty SQL profile not allowed for create or update SQL profile
ORA-13827: null or zero length attribute specified in SQL profile collection
ORA-13828: generated SQL profile name string already exists
ORA-13829: SQL profile named string already exists
ORA-13830: SQL profile with category string already exists for this SQL statement
ORA-13831: SQL profile name specified is invalid
ORA-13832: category name specified is invalid
ORA-13833: SQL profile named string doesn’t exist
ORA-13834: name of SQL profile to be cloned must be provided
ORA-13835: invalid attribute name specified
ORA-13836: invalid attribute value specified
ORA-13837: invalid HASH_VALUE
ORA-13838: invalid ADDRESS value
ORA-13839: V$SQL row doesn’t exist with given HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS
ORA-13840: Concurrent DDL Error in create SQL profile operation
ORA-13841: SQL profile named string already exists for a different signature/category pair
ORA-13842: no SELECT privilege on DBA_SQL_PROFILES
ORA-13843: no SQL profile with name like “string” exists for category like “string”
ORA-13844: no new SQL profile name or category specified
ORA-13850: Tracing for client identifier string is not enabled
ORA-13851: Tracing for client identifier string is already enabled
ORA-13852: Tracing for service(module/action) string is not enabled
ORA-13853: Tracing for service (module/action) string is already enabled
ORA-13854: Tracing for service(module/action) string on instance string is not enabled
ORA-13855: Tracing for service (module/action) string on instance string is already enabled
ORA-13856: Service name must be specified
ORA-13857: Invalid module name
ORA-13858: Invalid action name
ORA-13859: Action cannot be specified without the module specification
ORA-13860: Invalid service name
ORA-13861: Statistics aggregation for client identifier string is already enabled
ORA-13862: Statistics aggregation for client identifier string is not enabled
ORA-13863: Statistics aggregation for service(module/action) string is not enabled
ORA-13864: Statistics aggregation for service (module/action) string is already enabled
ORA-13865: Module name must be specified
ORA-13866: Client identifier must be specified
ORA-13867: Database-wide SQL tracing is already enabled
ORA-13868: Instance-wide SQL tracing on instance string is not enabled
ORA-13869: Instance-wide SQL tracing on instance string is already enabled
ORA-13870: Database-wide SQL tracing is not enabled
ORA-13871: Invalid instance name


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