ORA-13700 TO ORA-13799

ORA-13700 TO ORA-13799

ORA-13701: Snapshot pair [string, string] seems to be specified in reverse order
ORA-13702: Snapshot IDs specified by the range [string, string] are equal
ORA-13703: The snapshot pair [string, string] for database_id string and instance_id string are not found in the current repository
ORA-13704: Invalid value “string” specified for parameter “string”
ORA-13705: There was a instance shutdown/startup between the snapshots in the range [string, string]
ORA-13706: Invalid value “string” specified for parameter “string” in “string” analysis mode
ORA-13707: Either the start snapshot string or the end snapshot string is incomplete or missing key statistics
ORA-13708: Some snapshots in the range [string, string] were purged before the analysis was complete
ORA-13709: Required parameter “string” must be set before execution
ORA-13710: Parameter “string” must have a higher value than parameter “string”. The values supplied were “string” and “string” respectively
ORA-13711: Some snapshots in the range [string, string] are missing key statistics
ORA-13712: Cannot perform ADDM analysis on AWR snapshots from previous releases. Snapshot version “string” do not match the database version “string”
ORA-13750: User “string” has not been granted the “ADMINISTER SQL TUNING SET” privilege
ORA-13751: “SQL Tuning Set” “string” does not exist for owner “string” or user “string” does not have permission to access the “SQL Tuning Set”
ORA-13752: User “string” must be SYS or must have the “ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET” privilege
ORA-13753: “SQL Tuning Set” “string” already exists for user “string”
ORA-13754: “SQL Tuning Set” “string” does not exist for user “string”
ORA-13755: invalid “SQL Tuning Set” name
ORA-13756: Cannot update attribute “string”
ORA-13757: “SQL Tuning Set” “string” owned by user “string” is active
ORA-13758: “SQL Tuning Set” “string” owned by user “string” is in use
ORA-13759: User “string” cannot remove reference “string”
ORA-13760: Duplicate entry for &quo;SQL_ID&quo; &quo;string&quo; in &quo;SQL Tuning Set&quo; &quo;string&quo;
ORA-13761: invalid filter
ORA-13762: The string ranking measure is invalid
ORA-13763: illegal ranking attribute “string”
ORA-13764: Value “string” is illegal as a result percentage
ORA-13765: Value “string” is illegal for a result limit
ORA-13766: A ranking measure is required
ORA-13767: End snapshot ID must be greater than or equal to begin snapsho ID
ORA-13768: Snapshot ID must be between string and string
ORA-13769: Snapshots string and string do not exist
ORA-13770: Baseline “string” does not exist
ORA-13771: cannot obtain exclusive lock string on “SQL Tuning Set” “string” owned by user “string”
ORA-13772: unexpected deadlock on “SQL Tuning Set” “string” owned by user “string”
ORA-13773: insufficient privileges to select data from the cursor cache
ORA-13774: insufficient privileges to select data from the workload repository
ORA-13775: inconsistent datatype in input cursor
ORA-13776: User “string” has not been granted the “SELECT” privilege on the “SQL tuning set” DBA views
ORA-13777: invalid list of attribute names
ORA-13778: no new name or owner specified for “SQL Tuning Set”
ORA-13779: invalid load option
ORA-13780: SQL statement does not exist
ORA-13781: The tuning task does not exist
ORA-13782: The specified user &quo;string&quo; does not exist
ORA-13783: invalid tuning scope
ORA-13784: cannot accept SQL profiles for all statements in the “SQL Tuning Set”
ORA-13785: missing target object for tuning task “string”
ORA-13786: missing SQL text of statement object “string” for tuning task “string”
ORA-13787: missing SQL profile for statement object “string” for tuning task “string”
ORA-13788: invalid recommendation type
ORA-13789: invalid process action
ORA-13790: invalid value for time limit
ORA-13791: cannot resume a tuning task created to tune a single statement
ORA-13797: invalid SQL Id specified, string
ORA-13798: Parameter string cannot be NULL
ORA-13799: threshold not found


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