ORA-13600 TO ORA-13699

ORA-13600 TO ORA-13699

ORA-13600: error encountered in Advisor string
ORA-13601: The specified Advisor string does not exist
ORA-13602: The specified parameter string is not valid for task or object string
ORA-13603: The specified parameter string cannot be fetched as a numeric value for task or object string
ORA-13604: The specified parameter string cannot be fetched as a SQL table
ORA-13605: The specified task or object string does not exist for the current user
ORA-13606: the specified task parameter element string is out of range for parameter string
ORA-13607: The specified task or object string already exists
ORA-13608: The task or object name string is invalid
ORA-13609: The specified task string must be executing to be cancelled or interrupted
ORA-13610: The directive string does not exist for task string
ORA-13611: The command string is not a valid advisor command
ORA-13612: The recommendation action string,string is not valid for task string
ORA-13613: The requested operation is not supported for this advisor object
ORA-13614: The template string is not compatible with the current advisor
ORA-13615: The task or object string is greater than the maximum allowable length of 30 characters
ORA-13616: The current user string has not been granted the ADVISOR privilege
ORA-13617: The specified task string already executing
ORA-13618: The specified value is not a valid value for procedure argument string
ORA-13619: The procedure argument string is greater than the maximum allowable length of string characters
ORA-13620: The task or object string is read-only and cannot be deleted or modified
ORA-13621: The task_or object string is marked as a template and cannot perform the requested operation
ORA-13622: invalid recommendation annotation
ORA-13623: The recommendation string is not valid for task string
ORA-13624: The task string is executing and cannot be deleted or modified
ORA-13625: %s is an invalid advisor object type
ORA-13626: The specified object string is not valid for task string
ORA-13627: Setting of parameter string is disallowed until the task is reset
ORA-13628: Insufficient privileges to access the task belonging to the specified user
ORA-13629: The task or object string is being used by another operation
ORA-13630: The task string contains execution results and cannot be executed
ORA-13631: The task string contains no execution results
ORA-13632: The user cancelled the current operation
ORA-13633: The task string was interrupted and needs to be resumed
ORA-13634: The task string needs to be reset before being re-executed
ORA-13635: The value provided for parameter string cannot be converted to a number
ORA-13636: The specified value provided for parameter string is not valid for this advisor
ORA-13637: Executing or modifying task string is disallowed until the task is reset to its initial state
ORA-13638: The user interrupted the current operation
ORA-13639: The current operation was interrupted because it timed out
ORA-13640: The current operation was cancelled because it timed out, and was not in interruptible mode
ORA-13641: Task cannot be interrupted yet. You may cancel it instead
ORA-13642: The specified string string provided for string cannot be converted to a date. The acceptable date format is string
ORA-13643: The task can not be interrupted or cancelled
ORA-13644: The user “string” is invalid
ORA-13699: Advisor feature is not currently implemented


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