ORA-13300 TO ORA-13399

ORA-13300 TO ORA-13399

ORA-13300: single point transform error
ORA-13303: failure to retrieve a geometry object from a table
ORA-13304: failure to insert a transformed geometry object in a table
ORA-13330: invalid MASK
ORA-13331: invalid LRS segment
ORA-13332: invalid LRS point
ORA-13333: invalid LRS measure
ORA-13334: LRS segments not connected
ORA-13335: LRS measure information not defined
ORA-13336: failure in converting standard diminfo/geometry to LRS dim/geom
ORA-13337: failure in concatenating LRS polygons
ORA-13338: failure in reversing LRS polygon/collection geometry
ORA-13339: LRS polygon clipping across multiple rings
ORA-13340: a point geometry has more than one coordinate
ORA-13341: a line geometry has fewer than two coordinates
ORA-13342: an arc geometry has fewer than three coordinates
ORA-13343: a polygon geometry has fewer than four coordinates
ORA-13344: an arcpolygon geometry has fewer than five coordinates
ORA-13345: a compound polygon geometry has fewer than five coordinates
ORA-13346: the coordinates defining an arc are collinear
ORA-13347: the coordinates defining an arc are not distinct
ORA-13348: polygon boundary is not closed
ORA-13349: polygon boundary crosses itself
ORA-13350: two or more rings of a complex polygon touch
ORA-13351: two or more rings of a complex polygon overlap
ORA-13352: the coordinates do not describe a circle
ORA-13353: ELEM_INFO_ARRAY not grouped in threes
ORA-13354: incorrect offset in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY
ORA-13355: SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY not grouped by number of dimensions specified
ORA-13356: adjacent points in a geometry are redundant
ORA-13357: extent type does not contain 2 points
ORA-13358: circle type does not contain 3 points
ORA-13359: extent does not have an area
ORA-13360: invalid subtype in a compound type
ORA-13361: not enough sub-elements within a compound ETYPE
ORA-13362: disjoint sub-element in a compound polygon
ORA-13363: no valid ETYPE in the geometry
ORA-13364: layer dimensionality does not match geometry dimensions
ORA-13365: layer SRID does not match geometry SRID
ORA-13366: invalid combination of interior exterior rings
ORA-13367: wrong orientation for interior/exterior rings
ORA-13368: simple polygon type has more than one exterior ring
ORA-13369: invalid value for etype in the 4-digit format
ORA-13370: failure in applying 3D LRS functions
ORA-13371: invalid position of measure dimension
ORA-13372: failure in modifying metadata for a table with spatial index
ORA-13373: invalid line segment in geodetic data
ORA-13374: SDO_MBR not supported for geodetic data
ORA-13375: the layer is of type [string] while geometry inserted has type [string]
ORA-13376: invalid type name specified for layer_gtype parameter
ORA-13377: invalid combination of elements with orientation
ORA-13378: invalid index for element to be extracted
ORA-13379: invalid index for sub-element to be extracted
ORA-13380: network not found
ORA-13381: table:string not found in network:string
ORA-13382: geometry metadata (table:string column:string) not found in spatial network:string
ORA-13383: inconsistent network metadata: string
ORA-13384: error in network schema: string
ORA-13385: error in network manager: [string]
ORA-13386: commit/rollback operation error: [string]
ORA-13387: sdo_batch_size for array inserts should be in the range [number,number]
ORA-13388: invalid value for dst_spec parameter
ORA-13389: unable to compute buffers or intersections in analysis function
ORA-13390: error in spatial analysis and mining function: [string]


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