ORA-12900 TO ORA-12999

ORA-12900 TO ORA-12999

ORA-12900: must specify a default temporary tablespace for a locally managed database
ORA-12901: default temporary tablespace must be of TEMPORARY type
ORA-12902: default temporary tablespace must be SYSTEM or of TEMPORARY type
ORA-12903: default temporary tablespace must be an ONLINE tablespace
ORA-12904: default temporary tablespace cannot be altered to PERMANENT type
ORA-12905: default temporary tablespace cannot be brought OFFLINE
ORA-12906: cannot drop default temporary tablespace
ORA-12907: tablespace string is already the default temporary tablespace
ORA-12908: cannot specify SYSTEM as default temporary tablespace when creating database
ORA-12909: TEMPORARY keyword expected
ORA-12910: cannot specify temporary tablespace as default tablespace
ORA-12911: permanent tablespace cannot be temporary tablespace
ORA-12912: Dictionary managed tablespace specified as temporary tablespace
ORA-12913: Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace
ORA-12914: Cannot migrate tablespace to dictionary managed type
ORA-12915: Cannot alter dictionary managed tablespace to read write
ORA-12916: Cannot use default permanent tablespace with this release
ORA-12918: Invalid tablespace type for default permanent tablespace
ORA-12919: Can not drop the default permanent tablespace
ORA-12920: database is already in force logging mode
ORA-12921: database is not in force logging mode
ORA-12922: concurrent ALTER DATABASE [NO] FORCE LOGGING command is running
ORA-12923: tablespace string is in force logging mode
ORA-12924: tablespace string is already in force logging mode
ORA-12925: tablespace string is not in force logging mode
ORA-12926: FORCE LOGGING option already specified
ORA-12927: RETENTION option already specified
ORA-12950: SYSTEM tablespace specified as default permanent tablespace
ORA-12951: Attempt to change default permanent tablespace to temporary
ORA-12980: checkpoint option not allowed with SET UNUSED
ORA-12981: cannot drop column from an object type table
ORA-12982: cannot drop column from a nested table
ORA-12983: cannot drop all columns in a table
ORA-12984: cannot drop partitioning column
ORA-12985: tablespace ‘string’ is read only, cannot drop column
ORA-12986: columns in partially dropped state. Submit ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE
ORA-12987: cannot combine drop column with other operations
ORA-12988: cannot drop column from table owned by SYS
ORA-12989: invalid value for checkpoint interval
ORA-12990: duplicate option specified
ORA-12991: column is referenced in a multi-column constraint
ORA-12992: cannot drop parent key column
ORA-12993: tablespace ‘string’ is offline, cannot drop column
ORA-12994: drop column option only allowed once in statement
ORA-12995: no columns in partially dropped state
ORA-12996: cannot drop system-generated virtual column
ORA-12997: cannot drop primary key column from an index-organized table


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