ORA-09800 TO ORA-09899

ORA-09800 TO ORA-09899

ORA-09800: Process sensitivity label retrieval failed
ORA-09801: Unable to get user ID from connection
ORA-09802: Conversion of binary label to string failed
ORA-09803: Allocation of string buffer failed
ORA-09804: Class conversion from binary to ORACLE failed
ORA-09805: conversion of category number to string failed
ORA-09806: Allocation of label string buffer failed
ORA-09807: Conversion of label from string to binary failed
ORA-09808: Could not obtain user clearance
ORA-09809: Unable to get user’s group ID from connection
ORA-09810: Unable to get process ID from connection
ORA-09811: Unable to initialize package
ORA-09812: Unable to get user clearance from connection
ORA-09813: Unable to get directory status
ORA-09814: Unable to expand file name
ORA-09815: File name buffer overflow
ORA-09816: Unable to set effective privileges
ORA-09817: Write to audit file failed
ORA-09818: Number is too large
ORA-09819: Number exceeds maximum legal value
ORA-09820: Conversion of class string to numeric representation failed
ORA-09821: Numeric label is not valid
ORA-09822: Translation of audit file name failed
ORA-09823: device name is too long
ORA-09824: Unable to enable allowmacaccess privilege
ORA-09825: Unable to disable allowmacaccess privilege
ORA-09826: SCLIN: cannot initialize atomic latch
ORA-09827: SCLGT: atomic latch return unknown error
ORA-09828: SCLFR: atomic latch return error
ORA-09829: pw_createPorts: server call pws_start_instance failed
ORA-09830: snyAddPort: failed to perform a remote procedure call
ORA-09831: snyStartThread: failed to build the server port set
ORA-09832: infoCallback: bad message format
ORA-09833: addCallback: bad message format
ORA-09834: snyGetPortSet: failed to collect info on a port
ORA-09835: addCallback: callback port is already in a set
ORA-09836: addCallback: could not add a port to the callback set
ORA-09837: addCallback: could not add allocate a callback link
ORA-09838: removeCallback: failure removing the callback port
ORA-09839: removeCallback: callback port is not in the callback set
ORA-09840: soacon: Name translation failure
ORA-09841: soacon: Name translation failure
ORA-09842: soacon: Archmon unable to create named pipe
ORA-09843: soacon: Archmon unable to create named pipe
ORA-09844: soacon: Archmon unable to open named pipe
ORA-09845: soacon: Archmon unable to open named pipe
ORA-09846: soacon: ARCH unable to open named pipe
ORA-09847: soacon: ARCH unable to open named pipe
ORA-09850: soacon: Archmon unable to lock named pipe
ORA-09851: soacon: Archmon unable to lock named pipe
ORA-09853: snyRemovePort: bad return code from request
ORA-09854: snyPortInfo: bad return code from request
ORA-09855: removeCallback: bad message format
ORA-09856: smpalo: vm_allocate error while allocating pga
ORA-09857: smprset: vm_protect error while protecting pga
ORA-09858: sfngat: the input file name is not in the OMF format
ORA-09859: sfngat: the input file name is not in the autobackup OMF format
ORA-09870: spini: failure initializing maximum number of open files
ORA-09871: TASDEF_NAME: translation error while expanding ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf
ORA-09872: TASDEF_CREATE: create failure in creating ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf
ORA-09873: TASDEF_OPEN: open error when opening tasdef@.dbf file
ORA-09874: TASDEF_READ: read error, unable to read tasdef@.dbf file
ORA-09875: TASDEF_WRITE: write error when writing ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf file
ORA-09876: TASDEF_CLOSE: unable to close ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf file
ORA-09877: sstascre: shmget error, unable to get a shared memory segment
ORA-09878: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas write page
ORA-09879: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas read page
ORA-09880: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt error, unable to detach tas write page
ORA-09881: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt error, unable to detach tas read page
ORA-09882: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmctl error, unable to remove tas shm page
ORA-09883: Two Task interface: oratab file does not exist
ORA-09884: Two Task interface: SID doens’t match current PU
ORA-09885: osnTXtt: cannot create TXIPC channel
ORA-09886: osnTXtt: translation error while expanding txipc@.trc
ORA-09887: osnTXtt: Failed to create/open debug channel
ORA-09888: osnTXtt: txipc channel creation failed
ORA-09889: osnTXtt: access error on oracle executable
ORA-09890: osnTXtt: malloc failed


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