ORA-09200 TO ORA-09299

ORA-09200 TO ORA-09299

ORA-09200: sfccf: error creating file
ORA-09201: sfcopy: error copying file
ORA-09202: sfifi: error identifying file
ORA-09203: sfofi: error opening file
ORA-09204: sfotf: error opening temporary file
ORA-09205: sfqio: error reading or writing to disk
ORA-09206: sfrfb: error reading from file
ORA-09207: sfsrd: error reading from file
ORA-09208: sftcls: error closing file
ORA-09209: sftget: error reading from file
ORA-09210: sftopn: error opening file
ORA-09211: sfwfb: error writing to file
ORA-09212: sfwfbmt: error writing to file
ORA-09213: slgfn: error fabricating file name
ORA-09214: sfdone: I/O error detected
ORA-09215: sfqio: error detected in IOCompletionRoutine
ORA-09216: sdnfy: bad value ‘string’ for parameter string
ORA-09217: sfsfs: failed to resize file
ORA-09218: sfrfs: failed to refresh file size
ORA-09240: smpalo: error allocating PGA memory
ORA-09241: smsalo: error allocating SGA memory
ORA-09242: smscre: error creating SGA
ORA-09243: smsget: error attaching to SGA
ORA-09244: smprset: error setting memory protections
ORA-09245: smcstk: error switching stacks
ORA-09246: sfsmap: unable to map SGA
ORA-09247: smsdes: error destroying the SGA
ORA-09260: sigpidu: error obtaining process id
ORA-09261: spdcr: error creating detached (background) process
ORA-09262: spdde: error terminating detached (background) process
ORA-09263: spini: error initializing process
ORA-09264: sptpa: error flagging process
ORA-09265: spwat: error temporarily suspending process
ORA-09266: spawn: error starting an Oracle process
ORA-09270: szalloc: error allocating memory for security
ORA-09271: szlon: error verifying user name
ORA-09272: remote os logon is not allowed
ORA-09273: szrfc: error verifying role name
ORA-09274: szrfc: insufficient role name buffer space
ORA-09275: CONNECT INTERNAL is not a valid DBA connection
ORA-09276: All bequeath database links must be loopback database links
ORA-09280: sllfcf: error closing file
ORA-09281: sllfop: error opening file
ORA-09282: sllfrb: error reading records
ORA-09283: sllfsk: error skipping records
ORA-09284: sllfop: cannot allocate read buffer
ORA-09285: sllfop: unrecognizable processing option, incorrect format
ORA-09290: sksaalo: error allocating memory for archival
ORA-09291: sksachk: invalid device specified for archive destination
ORA-09292: sksabln: unable to build archive file name
ORA-09293: sksasmo: unable to send message to console


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