ORA-07700 TO ORA-07799

ORA-07700 TO ORA-07799

ORA-07700: sksarch: interrupt received
ORA-07701: sksatln: internal exception: output buffer too small
ORA-07702: unrecognized device type in archive text
ORA-07703: error in archive text: need ‘/’ after device type
ORA-07704: error in archive text: need ‘:’ after device name
ORA-07705: sksaprs: device name buffer too small
ORA-07706: error in archive text: need disk file name
ORA-07707: error in archive text: need tape label name
ORA-07708: sksaprs: tape label name buffer too small
ORA-07709: sksaprs: archiving to a remote host is not allowed
ORA-07710: sksaprs: file name buffer too small
ORA-07713: sksamtd: could not mount archival device (SYS$MOUNT failure)
ORA-07715: sksadtd: could not dismount archival device (SYS$DISMNT failure)
ORA-07716: sksachk: invalid device specification for ARCHIVE
ORA-07717: sksaalo: error allocating memory
ORA-07718: sksafre: error freeing memory
ORA-07721: scgcm: not enough OS resource to obtain system enqueue
ORA-07740: slemop: incorrect handle size (programming error)
ORA-07741: slemop: $OPEN failure
ORA-07742: slemop: $CONNECT failure
ORA-07743: slemop: incorrect error file attributes
ORA-07744: slemcl: invalid error message file handle
ORA-07745: slemcl: $CLOSE failure
ORA-07746: slemrd: invalid error message file handle
ORA-07747: slemrd: $READ failure
ORA-07750: slemcr: fopen failure
ORA-07751: slemcr: malloc failure
ORA-07753: slemcf: fseek before write failure
ORA-07754: slemcf: fwrite failure
ORA-07755: slemcf: fseek before read failure
ORA-07756: slemcf: fread failure
ORA-07757: slemcc: invalid handle
ORA-07758: slemcw: invalid handle
ORA-07759: slemtr: invalid destination
ORA-07760: slemtr: $open failure


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