ORA-04000 TO ORA-04099

ORA-04000 TO ORA-04099

ORA-04000: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE cannot exceed 100
ORA-04001: sequence parameter string must be an integer
ORA-04002: INCREMENT must be a non-zero integer
ORA-04003: sequence parameter string exceeds maximum size allowed (string digits)
ORA-04004: MINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE
ORA-04005: INCREMENT must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE
ORA-04006: START WITH cannot be less than MINVALUE
ORA-04007: MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value
ORA-04008: START WITH cannot be more than MAXVALUE
ORA-04009: MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value
ORA-04010: the number of values to CACHE must be greater than 1
ORA-04011: sequence string must range between string and string
ORA-04012: object is not a sequence
ORA-04013: number to CACHE must be less than one cycle
ORA-04014: descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE
ORA-04015: ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE
ORA-04016: sequence string no longer exists
ORA-04017: invalid value string (length = string) for parameter max_dump_file_size
ORA-04018: invalid value string for parameter _scn_scheme
ORA-04019: SCN scheme incompatible with other instances
ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object stringstringstringstringstring
ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object stringstringstringstringstring
ORA-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object
ORA-04027: self-deadlock during automatic validation for object string.string
ORA-04028: cannot generate diana for object stringstringstringstringstring
ORA-04029: error ORA-string occurred when querying stringstringstring
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)
ORA-04031: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory (“string”,”string”,”string”,”string”)
ORA-04032: pga_aggregate_target must be set before switching to auto mode
ORA-04033: Insufficient memory to grow pool
ORA-04034: unable to shrink pool to specified size
ORA-04041: package specification must be created first before creating package body
ORA-04042: procedure, function, package, or package body does not exist
ORA-04043: object string does not exist
ORA-04044: procedure, function, package, or type is not allowed here
ORA-04045: errors during recompilation/revalidation of string.string
ORA-04046: results of compilation are too large to support
ORA-04047: object specified is incompatible with the flag specified
ORA-04050: invalid or missing procedure, function, or package name
ORA-04051: user string cannot use database link string.string
ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object stringstringstringstringstring
ORA-04053: error occurred when validating remote object stringstringstringstringstring
ORA-04054: database link string does not exist
ORA-04055: Aborted: “string” formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with “string”
ORA-04060: insufficient privileges to execute string
ORA-04061: existing state of string has been invalidated
ORA-04062: %s of string has been changed
ORA-04063: %s has errors
ORA-04064: not executed, invalidated string
ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped string
ORA-04066: non-executable object, string
ORA-04067: not executed, string does not exist
ORA-04068: existing state of packagesstringstringstring has been discarded
ORA-04069: cannot drop or replace a library with table dependents
ORA-04070: invalid trigger name
ORA-04071: missing BEFORE, AFTER or INSTEAD OF keyword
ORA-04072: invalid trigger type
ORA-04073: column list not valid for this trigger type
ORA-04074: invalid REFERENCING name
ORA-04075: invalid trigger action
ORA-04076: invalid NEW or OLD specification
ORA-04077: WHEN clause cannot be used with table level triggers
ORA-04078: OLD and NEW values cannot be identical
ORA-04079: invalid trigger specification
ORA-04080: trigger ‘string’ does not exist
ORA-04081: trigger ‘string’ already exists
ORA-04082: NEW or OLD references not allowed in table level triggers
ORA-04083: invalid trigger variable ‘string’
ORA-04084: cannot change NEW values for this trigger type
ORA-04085: cannot change the value of an OLD reference variable
ORA-04086: trigger description too long, move comments into triggering code
ORA-04087: cannot change the value of ROWID reference variable
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger ‘string.string’
ORA-04089: cannot create triggers on objects owned by SYS
ORA-04090: ‘string’ specifies same table, event and trigger time as ‘string’
ORA-04091: table string.string is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
ORA-04092: cannot string in a trigger
ORA-04093: references to columns of type LONG are not allowed in triggers
ORA-04094: table string.string is constraining, trigger may not modify it
ORA-04095: trigger ‘string’ already exists on another table, cannot replace it
ORA-04096: trigger ‘string’ has a WHEN clause which is too large, limit 2K
ORA-04097: DDL conflict while trying to drop or alter a trigger
ORA-04098: trigger ‘string.string’ is invalid and failed re-validation
ORA-04099: trigger ‘string’ is valid but not stored in compiled form


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