ORA-01400 TO ORA-01499

ORA-01400 TO ORA-01499

ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (string)
ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column
ORA-01402: view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-01404: ALTER COLUMN will make an index too large
ORA-01405: fetched column value is NULL
ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated
ORA-01407: cannot update (string) to NULL
ORA-01408: such column list already indexed
ORA-01409: NOSORT option may not be used; rows are not in ascending order
ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
ORA-01411: cannot store the length of column in the indicator
ORA-01412: zero length not allowed for this datatype
ORA-01413: illegal value in packed decimal number buffer
ORA-01414: invalid array length when trying to bind array
ORA-01415: too many distinct aggregate functions
ORA-01416: two tables cannot be outer-joined to each other
ORA-01417: a table may be outer joined to at most one other table
ORA-01418: specified index does not exist
ORA-01419: datdts: illegal format code
ORA-01420: datstd: illegal format code
ORA-01421: datrnd/dattrn: illegal precision specifier
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
ORA-01423: error encountered while checking for extra rows in exact fetch
ORA-01424: missing or illegal character following the escape character
ORA-01425: escape character must be character string of length 1
ORA-01426: numeric overflow
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
ORA-01428: argument ‘string’ is out of range
ORA-01429: Index-Organized Table: no data segment to store overflow row-pieces
ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
ORA-01431: internal inconsistency in GRANT command
ORA-01432: public synonym to be dropped does not exist
ORA-01433: synonym to be created is already defined
ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
ORA-01435: user does not exist
ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user data
ORA-01437: cannot have join with CONNECT BY
ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column
ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype
ORA-01440: column to be modified must be empty to decrease precision or scale
ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big
ORA-01442: column to be modified to NOT NULL is already NOT NULL
ORA-01443: internal inconsistency; illegal datatype in resultant view column
ORA-01444: internal inconsistency; internal datatype maps to invalid external type
ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID from a join view without a key-preserved table
ORA-01446: cannot select ROWID from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etcoracle
ORA-01447: ALTER TABLE does not operate on clustered columns
ORA-01448: index must be dropped before changing to desired type
ORA-01449: column contains NULL values; cannot alter to NOT NULL
ORA-01450: maximum key length (string) exceeded
ORA-01451: column to be modified to NULL cannot be modified to NULL
ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found
ORA-01453: SET TRANSACTION must be first statement of transaction
ORA-01454: cannot convert column into numeric datatype
ORA-01455: converting column overflows integer datatype
ORA-01456: may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction
ORA-01457: converting column overflows decimal datatype
ORA-01458: invalid length inside variable character string
ORA-01459: invalid length for variable character string
ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-01462: cannot insert string literals longer than 2000 characters
ORA-01463: cannot modify column datatype with current constraint(s)
ORA-01464: circular grant (granting to grant ancestor) of table or view
ORA-01465: invalid hex number
ORA-01466: unable to read data – table definition has changed
ORA-01467: sort key too long
ORA-01468: a predicate may reference only one outer-joined table
ORA-01469: PRIOR can only be followed by a column name
ORA-01470: In-list iteration does not support mixed operators
ORA-01471: cannot create a synonym with same name as object
ORA-01472: cannot use CONNECT BY on view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc
ORA-01473: cannot have subqueries in CONNECT BY clause
ORA-01474: cannot have START WITH or PRIOR without CONNECT BY
ORA-01475: must reparse cursor to change bind variable datatype
ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero
ORA-01477: user data area descriptor is too large
ORA-01478: array bind may not include any LONG columns
ORA-01479: last character in the buffer is not Null
ORA-01480: trailing null missing from STR bind value
ORA-01481: invalid number format model
ORA-01482: unsupported character set
ORA-01483: invalid length for DATE or NUMBER bind variable
ORA-01484: arrays can only be bound to PL/SQL statements
ORA-01485: compile bind length different from execute bind length
ORA-01486: size of array element is too large
ORA-01487: packed decimal number too large for supplied buffer
ORA-01488: invalid nibble or byte in the input data
ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
ORA-01490: invalid ANALYZE command
ORA-01491: CASCADE option not valid
ORA-01492: LIST option not valid
ORA-01493: invalid SAMPLE size specified
ORA-01494: invalid SIZE specified
ORA-01495: specified chain row table not found
ORA-01496: specified chain row table form incorrect
ORA-01497: illegal option for ANALYZE CLUSTER
ORA-01498: block check failure – see trace file
ORA-01499: table/index cross reference failure – see trace file


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