LCD-00201: could not open specified filename [string]
LCD-00203: missing keyword [string]
LCD-00204: left parenth and no parameter specified [string]
LCD-00205: unbalanced parentheses [string]
LCD-00206: positional parameter entered after keyword [string]
LCD-00207: nested parentheses encountered [string]
LCD-00208: unexpected keyword in value list [string]
LCD-00209: missing value for keyword at end of string [string]
LCD-00210: illegal assignment operator [string]
LCD-00211: unexpected delimiter [string]
LCD-00212: runaway quoted string [string]
LCD-00215: parameter files nested too deep [string]
LCD-00217: failure while processing file parameter [string]
LCD-00218: error in file [string]
LCD-00219: nested include file [string] is too large