ORA-36312: (PHYS00) workspace object must be a dimension or dimensioned variable
ORA-36314: (PHYS01) workspace object must be a dimension, relation or variable
ORA-36316: (PHYS02) Relation workspace object must be a single-dimensional relation that relates one INTEGER dimension to another
ORA-36341: (SNSYN130) The format of the PARTITIONCHECK function is: PARTITIONCHECK(aggmap, partition_template)
ORA-36342: (SNSYN200) The format of the CLEAR command is: CLEAR [ ALL | STATUS ] [ AGGREGATES | CHANGES | PRECOMPUTES | NONPRECOMPUTES | CACHE ] FROM var1 [var2, var3…] [USING aggmap]
ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero
ORA-36378: (XSAGTHRWEIGHT) While running AGGREGATE with multiple threads, the weight variable workspace object specified by your ARGS variable workspace object must exist in the same analytic workspace as your AGGMAP workspace object
ORA-36380: (AGGRECURSE) AGGREGATE was called recursively, which is not allowed
ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION number into PARTITION number due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION %J
ORA-36391: (XSMXCLEA01) When CLEAR is used with the STATUS keyword or an AGGMAP, workspace object must be dimensioned identically to workspace object
ORA-36392: (XSMXCLEA02) When using CLEAR with the PRECOMPUTES or NONPRECOMPUTES options, you must supply an AGGMAP
ORA-36393: (XSMXCLEA03) When using the AGGREGATES, CHANGES or CACHE options, you must specify the ALL keyword
ORA-36394: (XSMXCLEA04) When using CLEAR on the AGGMAP workspace object, CACHE is the only valid directive
ORA-36398: (XSSPROP01) Property name ‘number’ is invalid because only system-reserved property names can begin with ‘$’
ORA-36399: (XSSPROPDTYPE) The data type of property string must be string