ORA-12800 TO ORA-12899

ORA-12800 TO ORA-12899

ORA-12800: system appears too busy for parallel query execution
ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server string
ORA-12802: parallel query server lost contact with coordinator
ORA-12803: parallel query server lost contact with another server
ORA-12804: parallel query server appears to have died
ORA-12805: parallel query server died unexpectedly
ORA-12806: could not get background process to hold enqueue
ORA-12807: process queue could not receive parallel query message
ORA-12808: cannot set string_INSTANCES greater than number of instances string
ORA-12809: cannot set string_INSTANCES when mounted in exclusive mode
ORA-12810: PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be less than or equal to string
ORA-12811: PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than or equal to PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS, string
ORA-12812: only one PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified
ORA-12813: value for PARALLEL or DEGREE must be greater than 0
ORA-12814: only one CACHE or NOCACHE clause may be specified
ORA-12815: value for INSTANCES must be greater than 0
ORA-12816: parallel create index fastpath operation
ORA-12817: parallel query option must be enabled
ORA-12818: invalid option in PARALLEL clause
ORA-12819: missing options in PARALLEL clause
ORA-12820: invalid value for DEGREE
ORA-12821: invalid value for INSTANCES
ORA-12822: duplicate option in PARALLEL clause
ORA-12823: default degree of parallelism may not be specified here
ORA-12824: INSTANCES DEFAULT may not be specified here
ORA-12825: explicit degree of parallelism must be specified here
ORA-12826: hung parallel query server was killed
ORA-12827: insufficient parallel query slaves available
ORA-12828: Can’t start parallel transaction at a remote site
ORA-12829: Deadlock – itls occupied by siblings at block string of file string
ORA-12830: Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing parallel INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
ORA-12831: Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing INSERT with APPEND hint
ORA-12832: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances
ORA-12833: Coordinator’s instance not a member of parallel_instance_group
ORA-12834: Instance group name, ‘string’, too long, must be less than string characters
ORA-12835: No instances are active in the GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP
ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
ORA-12839: cannot modify an object in parallel after modifying it
ORA-12840: cannot access a remote table after parallel/insert direct load txn
ORA-12841: Cannot alter the session parallel DML state within a transaction
ORA-12842: Cursor invalidated during parallel execution
ORA-12843: pdml lock not held properly on the table
ORA-12844: cluster reconfiguration in progress
ORA-12845: failed to receive interinstance parallel execution message
ORA-12850: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances: string needed, string allocated
ORA-12851: PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be greater than or equal to PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS, string
ORA-12852: PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than PROCESSES, string
ORA-12853: insufficient memory for PX buffers: current stringK, max needed stringK
ORA-12854: Parallel query is not supported on temporary LOBs
ORA-12855: cannot run parallel or insert direct load in a loopback
ORA-12856: cannot run parallel query on a loopback connection
ORA-12872: First slave parse gave different plan
ORA-12899: value too large for column string (actual: string, maximum: string)


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