TNS-00206: Status Information for Interchange string:
Cause: Message sent back by Interchange as header for status request.
Action: No action required.
TNS-00206: Status Information for Interchange string:
Cause: Message sent back by Interchange as header for status request.
Action: No action required.
TNS-00205: Turning off tracing in intlsnr
Cause: Internal message. Turned off tracing in the Interchange listener.
Action: No action required.
TNS-00204: Started tracing in intlsnr
Cause: Internal message. Successfully started tracing information.
Action: No action required.
TNS-00203: Unable to start tracing in intlsnr
Cause: Failure in setting up tracing for Interchange listener.
Action: Check file permissions in Network trace directory also check to make sure that if trace file names and directories are specified in INTCHG.ORA, they are correct.
TNS-00202: Failure in redirecting call : Original to string Redirect to string
Cause: This is an internal error. Could not redirect call to a pump or other Interchange listener. The cause may be insufficient network or machine resources.
Action: Add resources or close some running applications in order to free up resources. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-00201: Unable to read answer connection data :string:
Cause: Improperly formed connect data sent to the Interchange listener.
Action: If the problem persists, check the application using the Interchange (it may be closing down or crashing). Contact Oracle Support Services if the problem cannot be located.
TNS-00200: Unable to do nsanswer on contextresult=string
Cause: Requester of service may have aborted or options negotiation failed.
Action: Try making the connection again. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-00147: Failed to start a pre-spawned pump
Cause: The Connection Manager was unable to start a pump during startup.
Action: Check all configuration parameters and assure that they are correct. Turn on tracing to determine the area that the failure occurred in.
TNS-00146: Internal-- Retry data request withing pump
Cause: The data space provided in order to receive data from the pump is to small.
Action: Retry the operation with a larger buffer.
TNS-00145: PUMPS value in INTCHG.ORA is too large
Cause: The number of PUMPS specified in INTCHG.ORA is too large to be supported on this platform.
Action: Consult the Oracle operating system specific manual for the maximum value for the number of PUMPS.