TNS-12632: Role fetch failed
Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve one of the user's roles.
Action: Enable tracing to determine which routine is failing.
TNS-12632: Role fetch failed
Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve one of the user's roles.
Action: Enable tracing to determine which routine is failing.
TNS-12631: Username retrieval failed
Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve the name of a user.
Action: Enable tracing to determine which routine is failing.
TNS-12630: Native service operation not supported
Cause: An operation requested by a user is not supported by the native services component.
Action: This may be an internal error if the operation should have been supported.
TNS-12629: TNS:no event test
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the ability to test for events is not available. This message is not normally visible to the user.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation and contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-12628: TNS:no event callbacks
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because asynchronous callbacks are not available. This message is not normally visible to the user.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation and contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-12626: TNS:bad event type
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the event type is unknown. This message is not normally visible to the user.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation and contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-12625: TNS:missing argument
Cause: An operation failed because an argument was missing. This message is not normally visible to the user.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation and contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-12624: TNS:connection is already registered
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the connection is already registered. This message is not normally visible to the user.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation and contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-12623: TNS:operation is illegal in this state
Cause: Connection is half-duplex and a full-duplex operation was attempted. This message is not normally visible to the user.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-12622: TNS:event notifications are not homogeneous
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the event notification type conflicts with existing registrations. This message is not normally visible to the user.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation and contact Oracle Support Services.