TNS-00552: no valid cipher suites were specified
Cause: SSL cipher specs were specified, but none were valid.
Action: Specify correct cipher suites.
TNS-00552: no valid cipher suites were specified
Cause: SSL cipher specs were specified, but none were valid.
Action: Specify correct cipher suites.
TNS-00551: underlying transport connection failed
Cause: The underlying transport adapter used by the SSL adapter failed to connect.
Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and try the connection again. If the connection fails, examine the trace file to determine the cause.
TNS-00550: disconnection error
Cause: The SSL protocol adapter encountered an error when the underlying transport disconnected.
Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-00549: value specified for the SSL version is not valid
Cause: The value specified for the SSL version is not valid.
Action: Specify a valid value for the SSL version.
TNS-00548: value specified for client authentication parameter is not boolean
Cause: The value specified for the parameter that specifies that SSL client authentication is to be used was not boolean.
Action: Specify a correct value for the parameter.
TNS-00547: user information retrieval failed
Cause: The SSL protocol adapter was unable to retrieve information about the remote user.
Action: Examine the first error in the error stack. It should describe the error in more detail.
TNS-00546: control failure
Cause: The SSL protocol adapter was unable to perform a command.
Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-00545: parameter retrieval failure
Cause: The SSL protocol adapter was not able to retrieve a configuration parameter.
Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-00544: unsupported operation
Cause: The SSL adapter could not perform a given command.
Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-00543: internal error
Cause: The SSL protocol adapter encountered an unexpected error.
Action: This error is not normally visible to users. Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt to reproduce the error. If it occurs, contact Oracle Support Services.