TNS-01177: Log Status is OFF. Log file/directory unchanged
Cause: Log status needs to be set ON for changing the log file.
Action: Use the command set log_status ON to set the log status of the listener ON.
TNS-01177: Log Status is OFF. Log file/directory unchanged
Cause: Log status needs to be set ON for changing the log file.
Action: Use the command set log_status ON to set the log status of the listener ON.
TNS-01176: Error in loading the new parameter value
Cause: Illegal values given for the parameters.
Action: Make sure that the parameter values are valid refer to the manual for the legal values for parameters.
TNS-01175: Password unchanged
Cause: Unable to set the new password.
Action: Be sure to see that the new password has legal ASCII characters. Try to set the password again.
TNS-01174: The sum of the POOL_SIZEs from each PRESPAWN_DESC is greater than the PRESPAWN_MAX
Cause: The minimum value for PRESPAWN_MAX should be the sum of the POOL_SIZEs.
Action: Be sure the parameters required for PRESPAWN_DESC are specified in each SID_DESC. For example: SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=sid)(PRESPAWN_ MAX=15)(ORACLE_HOME=oracle_home)(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(POOL_ SIZE=10)(TIMEOUT=30))(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(POOL_ SIZE=5)(TIMEOUT=15)))) Add or correct these parameters in the LISTENER.ORA file.
TNS-01173: Missing or inappropriate PRESPAWN_MAX parameter from SID_DESC
Cause: PRESPAWN_MAX in each SID_DESC does not have required fields.
Action: Be sure the parameters required for SID_DESC are specified in each SID_DESC. For example:
Add or correct these parameters in the LISTENER.ORA file.
TNS-01172: Listener has shut down since all listen addresses have been deallocated
Cause: The event detection mechanism broke and caused all listen addresses to be removed.
Action: Error 1170 has occurred and caused all the listen addresses to be deallocated. Since all the listen addresses have been removed, no more connections can be established to this listener so it shuts itself down. This message is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-01171: Event detection broke for dispatcher: string
Cause: The event detection mechanism for the dispatcher specified returned an error.
Action: Future attempts to detect events on this dispatcher will fail. The listener will deallocate the dispatcher and connections will no long be redirected to this dispatcher. This message is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-01170: Event detection broke for address: string
Cause: The event detection mechanism for the address specified returned an error.
Action: Future attempts to detect events on this address will fail. The listener will deallocate the listen address and connections will no long be accepted for this address. This message is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
TNS-01169: The listener has not recognized the password
Cause: The security feature of the listener is preventing the intended operation.
Action: Some commands like stopping the listener are only intended to be done by database administrators. A client can only use LSNRCTL to get the status of a listener and the version of the listener software running. The command that the client attempted may not have been appropriate. If a database administrator is attempting the command then use the "set password" command at the LSNRCTL prompt with one of the appropriate passwords in the PASSWORDS_listener_name entry in LISTENER.ORA. If you do not know a password then you are trying to execute an inappropriate command.
TNS-01168: Cannot allocate memory
Cause: Sufficient memory could not be allocated to perform the desired activity.
Action: Either free some resource for TNS, or add more memory to the machine. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation.