TNS-01301: TNS error structure:
Cause: Listener logging message.
Action: No action required.
TNS-01301: TNS error structure:
Cause: Listener logging message.
Action: No action required.
TNS-01300: ERROR at string
Cause: Listener logging message.
Action: No action required.
TNS-01204: Unprivileged account (string) is in dba group (string)
Cause: The unprivileged account has DBA privileges. The unprivileged account specified by DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA is a member of the dba group specified by DBA_GROUP in SID_DESC. The unprivileged account cannot belong to the dba group because this would be a security violation with OPS$ logins.
Action: Remove the unprivileged account from the dba group.
TNS-01203: Missing the account (string) specified by DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT in SID_DESC
Cause: The unprivileged operating system account is missing from /etc/passwd.
Action: Check the DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT parameter in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA and verify it has a valid entry in /etc/passwd. This is the account that the Oracle shadow process will be started with if the connecting client has database privileges or does not exist on this machine.
TNS-01202: Missing the dba group (string) specified by DBA_GROUP in SID_DESC
Cause: The dba group specified is missing from /etc/group.
Action: Check the DBA_GROUP parameter in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA and verify it has a valid entry in /etc/group.
TNS-01201: Listener cannot find executable string for SID string
Cause: The executable for the Oracle dedicated server process cannot be found.
Action: Check the appropriate SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA to make sure that the ORACLE_HOME component is pointing to a valid location. If this component is not set, then check the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.
TNS-01200: The listener must be suid root
Cause: The ownership privileges of the TNSLSNR executable are incorrect.
Action: Contact your database administrator or system administrator to change the ownership of the file to be SUID root and restart the listener. This action is necessary because the user that started the process should claim ownership.
TNS-01180: Missing listener object string in Directory Server
Cause: The listener could not find the listener object specified.
Action: Make sure the listener object is present in the Directory Server.
TNS-01179: Listener cannot load instance class "string"
Cause: Instance tried to register as a class unknown to listener.
Action: Check LISTENER.ORA and/or instance configuration, and reference platform documentation to find the instance classes available for the listener on this platform.
TNS-01178: Trace Level is 0. Trace file/directory unchanged
Cause: Trace Level needs to be set for changing the trace file/directory.
Action: Use the command set trc_level ON to set the trace level.