SQL-02127: Precompiler/SQLLIB version mismatch
Cause: The program was linked to an older version of SQLLIB, which is incompatible with this release of the Oracle Precompilers
Action: Relink the program with a newer version of SQLLIB
SQL-02127: Precompiler/SQLLIB version mismatch
Cause: The program was linked to an older version of SQLLIB, which is incompatible with this release of the Oracle Precompilers
Action: Relink the program with a newer version of SQLLIB
SQL-02126: Count of array elements cannot be negative (i.e. < 0)
Cause: The precompiler found a negative number of array elements in the the N or F element of the SQLDA (SQL Descriptor Area, which is used with dynamic SQL Method 4). Before executing the DESCRIBE statement, N must be set to the dimension of the descriptor arrays. After executing the DESCRIBE statement, N must be reset to the actual number of variables DESCRIBEd, which is stored in the F variable
Action: Check that the N or F variables are set to non-negative values
SQL-02125: Connect error, can't get error text
Cause: No connection (not even to the default host) was available, so SQLLIB could not get the message text for the Oracle error that occurred. However, SQLLIB returns the Oracle error number, which can be used to look up the message
Action: Look up the appropriate message in the Oracle7 Server Messages manual, and follow the Cause and Action information provided
SQL-02124: NULL value returned by EXEC TOOLS statement
Cause: A NULL value was returned by EXEC TOOLS for a host variable that lacks an indicator variable. This error is returned only when MODE=ANSI. When MODE=ORACLE, although the value of the host variable is indeterminate, no error is generated
Action: Associate an indicator variable with each host variable to which nulls might be returned
SQL-02123: Context referenced in EXEC TOOLS GET CONTEXT statement not found
Cause: The context name given in the EXEC TOOLS GET CONTEXT statement was never stored with an EXEC TOOLS SET CONTEXT statement
Action: Use the EXEC TOOLS SET CONTEXT statement to save any contexts to be retrieved later
SQL-02122: Invalid OPEN or PREPARE for this database connection
Cause: An attempt was made to execute an OPEN or a PREPARE statement using a cursor that is currently open for another database connection and, therefore, cannot be used for this connection
Action: Close the cursor to make it available for this connection or use a different cursor for this connection
SQL-02121: Invalid host name
Cause: The host name passed into a SQLFCN call was not used in a previous call to SQLRCN
Action: Use the same identifier used in the corresponding SQLRCN call. *Note: This error *msg* is never actually used. The error *number* is used, given as the return value of sqlfcn if this error occurs
SQL-02120: First and second arguments to SQLRCN both null
Cause: Both the first and second arguments to sqlrcn were null. An HSTDEF must be passed into SQLRCN in either the form of an OCI lda (first argument) or as an HSTDEF pointer itself (second argument)
Action: Pass in either an OCI LDA or an HSTDEF, but not both. *Note: This error *msg* is never actually used. The error *number* is used, given as the return value of sqlrcn if this error occurs
SQL-02119: Invalid HSTDEF argument
Cause: A non-null ptr was given for a hstdef as the second argument to a call to sqlrcn when the first argument was also used. Either the first or the second argument to SQLRCN must be null
Action: Pass a null pointer in either the first or second argument to SQLRCN. *Note: This error *msg* is never actually used. The error *number* is used, given as the return value of sqlrcn if this error occurs
SQL-02118: Invalid row for a WHERE CURRENT OF operation
Cause: An attempt was made to reference a nonexistent row using the CURRENT OF clause in an UPDATE or DELETE statement. This happens when no FETCH has been executed or when FETCH returns a "no data found" error that the program fails to trap
Action: Check that the last cursor operation succeeded and that the current row of the cursor is valid. The outcome of a cursor operation can be checked in two ways: implicit checking with the WHENEVER statement or explicit checking of SQLCODE in the SQLCA