RMAN-03000: recovery manager compiler component initialization failed
Cause: This message should be accompanied by one or more other error messages indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-03000: recovery manager compiler component initialization failed
Cause: This message should be accompanied by one or more other error messages indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-02007: Integer value overflow
Cause: Parser failed to convert input string to an integer.
Action: values for integer are from 0 to 2147483648. Retry the tcommand using a valid integer value.
RMAN-02006: script line too long
Cause: A line longer than 500 bytes was encountered.
Action: Break the line up into shorter lines.
RMAN-02005: token too big
Cause: A token longer than 1000 bytes was encountered.
Action: Tokens must be separated by white space or punctuation. Either add the missing white space or punctuation, or shorten the token.
RMAN-02004: quoted string too big
Cause: A quoted string longer than 2000 bytes was encountered.
Action: This may be caused by a missing close quote. If so, add the missing quote, otherwise shorten the string.
RMAN-02003: unrecognized character: string
Cause: An input character that is neither an alpha, digit, or punctuation was encountered.
Action: Remove the character.
RMAN-02002: unexpected end of input file reached
Cause: This is probably caused by failure to supply the closing quote for a quoted string.
Action: Correct the input.
RMAN-02001: unrecognized punctuation symbol "string"
Cause: An illegal punctuation character was encountered.
Action: Remove the illegal character.
RMAN-02000: wrong message file version (msg number not found)
Cause: The RMANXX.MSB file is not the correct version.
Action: Check that the installation was done correctly. The RMAN binary (executable, load module, whatever it is called on your operating system) and the RMANXX.MSB file must be from the same version, release, and patch level.
RMAN-01008: the bad identifier was: string
Cause: This is an informational message indicating the identifier token that caused a syntax error.
Action: No action required.