RMAN-06034: at least 1 channel must be allocated to execute this command
Cause: No channels are allocated.
Action: ALLOCATE a channel.
RMAN-06034: at least 1 channel must be allocated to execute this command
Cause: No channels are allocated.
Action: ALLOCATE a channel.
RMAN-06033: channel string not allocated
Cause: An RMAN command requests a specific channel, but the requested channel has not been allocated.
Action: ALLOCATE the channel, or correct the channel identifier.
RMAN-06032: at least 1 channel of TYPE DISK must be allocated to execute a COPY command
Cause: No channel of TYPE DISK was allocated.
Action: Allocate a channel of TYPE DISK and re-issue the command.
RMAN-06031: could not translate database keyword
Cause: An error was received when calling DBMS_RCVMAN.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error messages indicating the cause of the error.
RMAN-06030: the DELETE INPUT option may not be used with a datafile backup set
Cause: The DELETE INPUT option was specified for a backup that contains the current control file or datafiles.
Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
RMAN-06029: the controlfile may be included only in a datafile backup set
Cause: The INCLUDE CURRENT/STANDBY CONTROLFILE option was specified for an archive log backup set.
Action: Use this option only for datafile backup sets.
RMAN-06028: duplicate operand specified in restore specification: string
Cause: The CHANNEL, TAG, FROM, PARMS, VALIDATE, or CHECK READONLY option was specified more than once in the restore command or in one of the restore specifications.
Action: Correct and resubmit the command.
RMAN-06027: no archivelogs found that match specification
Cause: An archive log record specifier did not match any archive logs in the recovery catalog.
Action: Resubmit the command with a different archive log record specifier. The RMAN LIST command can be used to display all archive logs that Recovery Manager knows about.
RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore
Cause: Some of the files specified for restore could not be found. Message 6023, 6024, or 6025 is also issued to indicate which files could not be found. Some common reasons why a file cannot be restored are that there is no backup or copy of the file that is known to Recovery Manager, or there are no backups or copies that fall within the criteria specified on the RESTORE command, or some datafile copies have been made but not cataloged.
Action: The Recovery Manager LIST command can be used to display the backups and copies that Recovery Manager knows about. Select the files to be restored from that list.
RMAN-06025: no backup of log thread number seq number scn string found to restore
Cause: An archive log restore could not proceed because no backup of the indicated archived log was found. It may be the case that a backup of this file exists but does not satisfy the criteria specified in the user's restore operands.
Action: No action required This is an informational message. See message 6026 for further details.