RMAN-06044: duplicate operand specified in copy specification: string
Cause: The specified operand appears more than once in the same copy specification.
Action: Remove the redundant operand.
RMAN-06044: duplicate operand specified in copy specification: string
Cause: The specified operand appears more than once in the same copy specification.
Action: Remove the redundant operand.
RMAN-06043: TAG option not supported for archivelog or current/standby controlfile copies
Cause: The tag option was supplied but does not apply to this type of copy.
Action: Remove the TAG operand and re-enter the command.
RMAN-06042: TAG option not supported for archivelog backup sets
Cause: The tag option was supplied but does not apply to this type of backup.
Action: Remove the TAG operand and re-enter the command.
RMAN-06041: cannot switch file number to copy of file number
Cause: An attempt was made to switch a datafile to a copy of a different datafile.
Action: Correct and resubmit the SWITCH command.
RMAN-06040: controlfile is already restored to file string
Cause: The best candidate control file for restoration is the one that is named in the RESTORE (control file) command, hence no action need be taken.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message.
RMAN-06039: no set newname command has been issued for datafile number
Cause: A SWITCH command was specified for a datafile, but no destination was specified and no SET NEWNAME command has been previously issued for that file. An explicit file to switch to must be specified if no SET NEWNAME command has been issued.
Action: Correct and resubmit the SWITCH command.
RMAN-06038: recovery catalog package detected an error
Cause: A call to DBMS_RCVMAN returned an error.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error messages indicating the cause of the error.
RMAN-06037: incremental backups feature not implemented
Cause: An incremental backup of a datafile copy was requested.
Action: Change the incremental level to 0, or request a full backup.
RMAN-06036: datafile number is already restored to file string
Cause: A SET NEWNAME command was issued to restore a datafile to a location other than the original datafile, and Recovery Manager determined that the best candidate for restoring the file is the datafile copy with the same name, therefore the file is already restored and no action need be taken.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message.
RMAN-06035: wrong version of recover.bsq, expecting string, found string
Cause: The RECOVER.BSQ file is incompatible with the RMAN executable.
Action: Install the correct version of RECOVER.BSQ.