RMAN-08006: database registered in recovery catalog
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action required.
RMAN-08006: database registered in recovery catalog
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action required.
RMAN-08004: full resync complete
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action required.
RMAN-08002: starting full resync of recovery catalog
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action required.
RMAN-08001: restore not complete
Cause: All of the backup pieces have been successfully applied, but X$DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE indicates that the restore conversation is not complete. This usually means that the backup set contained corrupt data.
Action: Restore the files from a different backup set, if possible. The Recovery Manager CHANGE BACKUPPIECE UNAVAILABLE can be used to prevent Recovery Manager from attempting to restore from the corrupt backup piece(s).
RMAN-08000: channel string: copied datafile string
Cause: A datafile copy operation completed successfully.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message only.
RMAN-06565: WARNING: string: sqlcode number was caught, automatic retry #number
Cause: The RMAN client caught a transient error and will automatically retry several times.
Action: No action required. This is an informational message.
RMAN-06564: must use the TO clause when the instance is started with SPFILE
Cause: A restore of the SPFILE from autobackup was attempted when the instance is started with SPFILE and no alternate destination was specified.
Action: Specify an alternate destination with the TO clause.
RMAN-06563: controlfile or SPFILE must be restored using FROM AUTOBACKUP
Cause: RESTORE CONTROLFILE or RESTORE SPFILE was specified without the FROM AUTOBACKUP option when RMAN is not connected to the recovery catalog.
Action: If the recovery catalog is available, then connect to the recovery catalog and retry the restore. If the recovery catalog is not available, then the following is the procedure to restore controlfile or SPFILE:
Specify the DBID of the database with the SET DBID command.
If the autobackup was created with non-default autobackup format, then specify the autobackup format using the SET CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT command.
If the backup was created with SBT device, then allocate an SBT channel using the ALLOCATE CHANNEL command.
Restore controlfile or SPFILE by starting the RESTORE ... FROM AUTOBACKUP command.
RMAN-06562: set MAXSIZE to number KB to avoid reading the backupsets multiple times
Cause: This is aninformational message.
Action: No action required.
RMAN-06561: MAXSIZE must be larger than number KB
Cause: Recovery failed because it requires disk space larger than MAXSIZE specified in the RECOVERY command.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE parameter and retry the command.