Category Archives: Database

PLS-01401: Identifier over 18 characters long


PLS-01401: Identifier over 18 characters long
Cause: Identifiers over 18 characters long are not allowed under the ANSI grammar.
Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

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PLS-01400: Use of ‘||’ token


PLS-01400: Use of '||' token
Cause: Use of '||' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar. This corresponds to the "binary_add_op"'s reduction to a "CAT_" in plsql.y.
Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

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PLS-00997: no cursor return types allowed in this beta version


PLS-00997: no cursor return types allowed in this beta version
Cause: Not available at this time.
Action: Do not use.

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PLS-00996: out of memory


PLS-00996: out of memory
Cause: A request from PL/SQL for more memory failed.
Action: Make sure that you are not referencing the wrong row in a PL/SQL table and that the program is not recursing too deeply.

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PLS-00995: unhandled exception # string


PLS-00995: unhandled exception # string
Cause: An exception was raised for which no handler was found. If it cannot find a handler for a raised exception, PL/SQL returns an unhandled exception to the host environment. The number embedded in the message is an Oracle error code listed in this manual.
Action: Fix the condition that raised the exception, write an appropriate exception handler, or use the OTHERS handler. If there is an appropriate handler in the current block, the exception was raised in a declaration or exception handler, and therefore propagated immediately to the enclosing block.

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PLS-00994: Cursor Variables cannot be declared as part of a package


PLS-00994: Cursor Variables cannot be declared as part of a package
Cause: An attempt was made to declare a cursor variable in a package specification, which is not allowed. Although REF CURSOR types can be defined in a PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package, cursor variables can be declared only in a block or subprogram.
Action: Move the cursor variable declaration into a PL/SQL block or subprogram.

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PLS-00993: Cursor Variables cannot be passed as RPC arguments or results


PLS-00993: Cursor Variables cannot be passed as RPC arguments or results
Cause: An attempt was made to pass a cursor variable to or from a remote subprogram, which is not allowed. For example, a remote procedure cannot be used to open a cursor variable because remote subprograms cannot return the values of cursor variables.
Action: Change the subprogram call to reference a local database.

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PLS-00992: Cursor Variables cannot be FETCH’ed from


PLS-00992: Cursor Variables cannot be FETCH'ed from
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a FETCH from a cursor variable.
Action: Consider an upgrade to PL/SQL 2.3, where this restriction is not present, or rewrite your application using OCI or precompiler for FETCH.

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PLS-00990: Index Tables of Cursor Variables are disallowed


PLS-00990: Index Tables of Cursor Variables are disallowed
Cause: An attempt was made to build a PL/SQL index table using cursor variables.
Action: Rewrite your application, using standalone cursor variables and procedure parameters, PL/SQL index tables of records and loops.

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PLS-00989: Cursor Variable in record, object, or collection is not supported by this release


PLS-00989: Cursor Variable in record, object, or collection is not supported by this release
Cause: A cursor variable was entered in a record, object, or collection. This is not supported in this PL/SQL release.
Action: Rewrite your application using stand-alone cursor variables and/or parameters, or, for usage in records, consider a downgrade to PL/SQL 2.3.

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