Category Archives: Database

PLS-00909: object string is not declared or insufficient privileges to access object string


PLS-00909: object string is not declared or insufficient privileges to access object string
Cause: An object from the operator declaration is not declared, or it is declared but there is no sufficient privileges to access that object.
Action: Declare the object, or ask the database administrator to grant the privileges required to access the object.

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PLS-00908: The stored format of string is not supported by this release


PLS-00908: The stored format of string is not supported by this release
Cause: PL/SQL cannot understand the stored format of a library unit. It has been compiled or shrink-wrapped with a version of PL/SQL either too new or too old for this version to understand it.
Action: Recompile the library unit for this version of PL/SQL.

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PLS-00907: cannot load library unit string (referenced by string)


PLS-00907: cannot load library unit string (referenced by string)
Cause: PL/SQL is unable to find and load a library unit that was previously available. This typically happens when you try to load a unit which references another library unit that is non-existent or invalid.
Action: Provide the needed library unit.

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PLS-00906: Compilation is not possible


PLS-00906: Compilation is not possible
Cause: The PL/SQL compiler cannot run properly because its operating environment is corrupted. For example, its error message file might be inaccessible.
Action: Check the PL/SQL operating environment, making sure that all files required by the compiler are accessible.

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PLS-00905: object string is invalid


PLS-00905: object string is invalid
Cause: An invalid package specification or stored subprogram was referenced. A package specification or stored subprogram is invalid if its source code or any database object it references has been DROPped, REPLACEd, or ALTERed since it was last compiled.
Action: Find out what invalidated the package specification or stored subprogram, then make sure that Oracle can recompile it without errors.

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PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object string


PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object string 
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a database object without the required privilege. This error occurs, for example, if an attempt was made to UPDATE a table for which only SELECT privileges were granted. 
Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or to grant you the required privilege. 

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PLS-00902: A READ-ONLY bind variable used in OUT or IN-OUT context


PLS-00902: A READ-ONLY bind variable used in OUT or IN-OUT context
Cause: A host variable that is protected from update was used in a context that allows an update.
Action: Check the context and change the use of the host variable, or assign the value of the host variable to a PL/SQL local variable, then use the local variable instead.

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PLS-00901: the data type of column ‘string’ of table ‘string’ is not supported


PLS-00901: the data type of column 'string' of table 'string' is not supported
Cause: A column in a database table belongs to a datatype that is not supported by the current release of PL/SQL.
Action: Remove the offending column from the table or copy the desired columns to another table.

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PLS-00900: can’t find body of unit ‘string’


PLS-00900: can't find body of unit 'string'
Cause: At run time, the body of a program unit could not be found. This can happen for one of two reasons. 

     There may be a unit 'a' which calls a module 'b', where the specification for 'b' exists but not the body. In this case, since the specification is present, there will be no compile-time errors. 

     This can occur if there is a reference to a sequence outside of the proper context such as a SQL statement. In this case, the specification of the sequence reference can be found, but it is invalid to actually run code which references the sequence outside a SQL statement, as in: 

     i := seq.nextval;
Action: If caused by the first reason, create a body for the object that is being referenced. If caused by the second reason, move the sequence into a SQL statement. For example, i := seq.nextval; can be replaced by: 

select seq.nextval into temp from dual; i := temp;

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PLS-00801: internal error [string]


PLS-00801: internal error [string]
Cause: This is a generic internal error that might occur during compilation or execution. The first parameter is the internal error number.
Action: Report this error as a bug to Oracle Support Services.

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