ORA-00919: invalid function
Cause: An entry was formatted like a function call, but it is not recognizable as an Oracle function
Action: Correct the syntax
ORA-00919: invalid function
Cause: An entry was formatted like a function call, but it is not recognizable as an Oracle function
Action: Correct the syntax
ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
Cause: A column name used in a join exists in more than one table and is thus referenced ambiguously. In a join, any column name that occurs in more than one of the tables must be prefixed by its table name when referenced. The column should be referenced as TABLE.COLUMN or TABLE_ALIAS.COLUMN. For example, if tables EMP and DEPT are being joined and both contain the column DEPTNO, then all references to DEPTNO should be prefixed with the table name, as in EMP.DEPTNO or E.DEPTNO
Action: Prefix references to column names that exist in multiple tables with either the table name or a table alias and a period (.), as in the examples above
ORA-00917: missing comma
Cause: A required comma has been omitted from a list of columns or values in an INSERT statement or a list of the form ((C,D),(E,F), …)
Action: Correct the syntax
ORA-00915: network access of dictionary table not currently allowed
Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services
ORA-00914: missing ADD keyword
Cause: The keyword ADD does not precede one of the following: The keyword log file in an ALTER DATABASE statement A column element or table constraint in an ALTER TABLE statement The keyword DATAFILE in an ALTER TABLESPACE statement
Action: Specify the keyword ADD in the ALTER statement
ORA-00913: too many values
Cause: The SQL statement requires two sets of values equal in number. This error occurs when the second set contains more items than the first set. For example, the subquery in a WHERE or HAVING clause may return too many columns, or a VALUES or SELECT clause may return more columns than are listed in the INSERT
Action: Check the number of items in each set and change the SQL statement to make them equal
ORA-00912: input parameter too long
Cause: one of your input strings was too long
Action: shorten the input parameter length
ORA-00911: invalid character
Cause: identifiers may not start with any ASCII character other than letters and numbers. $#_ are also allowed after the first character. Identifiers enclosed by doublequotes may contain any character other than a doublequote. Alternative quotes (q’#…#’) cannot use spaces, tabs, or carriage returns as delimiters. For all other contexts, consult the SQL Language Reference Manual
Action: none
ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatype
Cause: for datatypes CHAR and RAW, the length specified was > 2000; otherwise, the length specified was > 4000
Action: use a shorter length or switch to a datatype permitting a longer length such as a VARCHAR2, LONG CHAR, or LONG RAW
ORA-00909: invalid number of arguments
Cause: An Oracle function was referenced with an incorrect number of arguments. All Oracle functions, except for SYSDATE, require at least one argument
Action: Correct the syntax of the function by entering the required number of arguments