Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-31191: Resource string is already checked out


ORA-31191: Resource string is already checked out
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause:

- Checkout is requested for a resource that is already checked out to the workspace by the same of different user
Action: checked in the resource from the workspace before checking out

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ORA-31190: Resource string is not a version-controlled resource


ORA-31190: Resource string is not a version-controlled resource
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause:

- Checkout is requested for a resource that isn't under version control". Only version-controlled resource can be checked out.

- Checkout is requested for a row of a non-versioned table.
Action: put the resource under version-control before checking out

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ORA-31187: Cannot Add Node ‘string’ (type=’string’) to Simple Type Node ‘string’


ORA-31187: Cannot Add Node 'string' (type='string') to Simple Type Node 'string'
Cause: Trying to add attribute/element nodes to a simple type against the schema definition. Simple types can have only special attribute like namespaces, xsi:nil etc
Action: Use a valid node for the operation

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ORA-31186: Document contains too many nodes


ORA-31186: Document contains too many nodes
Cause: Unable to load the document because it has exceeded the maximum allocated number of DOM nodes
Action: Reduces the size of the document

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ORA-31185: DOM Nodes do not belong to the same DOM Document


ORA-31185: DOM Nodes do not belong to the same DOM Document
Cause: The specified PL/SQL DOM Node does not belong to the parent DOM Document of the referring DOM Node
Action: Ensure that both the DOM Nodes are part of the same DOM Document

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ORA-31183: Node type string cannot be converted to desired type


ORA-31183: Node type string cannot be converted to desired type
Cause: The given node's type cannot be converted correctly for this operation. For example, a DOM Element cannot be converted to Document Fragment
Action: Pass a valid node type for the conversion

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ORA-31182: Too many PL/SQL DOM handles specified


ORA-31182: Too many PL/SQL DOM handles specified
Cause: An attempt was made to create a PL/SQL DOM handle that exceeded the maximum allowable number of PL/SQL DOM handles
Action: Free PL/SQL DOM handles and try the operation again

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ORA-31181: PL/SQL DOM handle accesses node that is no longer available


ORA-31181: PL/SQL DOM handle accesses node that is no longer available
Cause: The specified pl/sql handle is referencing a node in a DOM Document that is no longer available
Action: Ensure that the pl/sql handle for the target node is valid and try the operation again

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ORA-31180: DOM Type mismatch in invalid PL/SQL DOM handle


ORA-31180: DOM Type mismatch in invalid PL/SQL DOM handle
Cause: The specified PL/SQL DOM handle is referencing a DOM Node whose DOM Type that does not match the one available in the session. This could happen because the pl/sql handle was reused, or the original document is no longer available
Action: Ensure that the pl/sql handle for the target node is valid and try the operation again

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ORA-31168: Node localname and namespace values should be less than 64K


ORA-31168: Node localname and namespace values should be less than 64K
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an XML Node with localname or namespace value greater than or equal to 64K. This is not supported
Action: Node localnames and namespace values should be under 64K

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