Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-31408: invalid value specified for begin_scn or end_scn


ORA-31408: invalid value specified for begin_scn or end_scn
Cause: The begin_scn was not greater than zero. The end_scn was less than zero. The end_scn was less than the begin_scn
Action: Check the values of both begin_scn and end_scn. Correct them to make sure that they form a legal SCN range. An end_scn value of zero indicates an infinite scn range

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ORA-31407: end_date must be greater than the begin_date


ORA-31407: end_date must be greater than the begin_date
Cause: The end data of the change set is earlier than the begin date. The end date must always be later in time than the begin date, so that the duration between the begin and end dates is a positive amount of time
Action: Change the begin date and/or the end date, so that the end date is later than the begin date

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ORA-31406: change source string is referenced by a change set


ORA-31406: change source string is referenced by a change set
Cause: The operation cannot complete because this change source is referenced by one or more change sets
Action: Drop the change sets first, then re-issue the command. May have to drop some change tables before the change sets are dropped

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ORA-31405: cannot make changes while change set string is advancing


ORA-31405: cannot make changes while change set string is advancing
Cause: The change set is currently advancing. Change sources related to an advancing change set cannot be altered. Change tables related to the advancing change set cannot be created, altered or dropped. Some or all the parameters of the change set cannot be altered while the set is advancing
Action: Wait until the change set has finished advancing, then reissue the command. If altering the change set, only the advance_enable parameter can be altered during an advance

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ORA-31404: all input parameters are null


ORA-31404: all input parameters are null
Cause: All input parameters are null. At least one property must be altered
Action: Call the procedure again, making sure that all the required parameters have been specified. Ensure that at least one parameter is not null. Refer to user documentation for the correct way of calling this procedure

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ORA-31403: change table string already contains a column string


ORA-31403: change table string already contains a column string
Cause: Issued ALTER_CHANGE_TABLE with an add operation but a column by this name already exists in the specified table
Action: Check the names and call the procedure again

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ORA-31402: unrecognized parameter string


ORA-31402: unrecognized parameter string
Cause: Unrecognized parameter was detected
Action: Check for too many parameters in the call

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ORA-31401: change source string is not an existing change source


ORA-31401: change source string is not an existing change source
Cause: The caller did not use the name of an existing change source. The name given does not match the name of any existing change source
Action: Check the spelling of the change source name. Choose an existing change source

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ORA-31399: Cannot contact LDAP server string at port number


ORA-31399: Cannot contact LDAP server string at port number
Cause: The LDAP server specified could not be contacted. This can happen if the server is down or inaccessible
Action: Contact the administrator of the LDAP server ////////////////////////// End of DBMS_LDAP & OiD messages

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ORA-31398: DBMS_LDAP: Shared servers are not supported


ORA-31398: DBMS_LDAP: Shared servers are not supported
Cause: The session executing functions from the DBMS_LDAP package is being handled by a shared server in the Database
Action: Use dedicated database sessions to execute functions in the DBMS_LDAP package

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