Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-31418: source schema string does not exist


ORA-31418: source schema string does not exist
Cause: Trying to create a synchronous change table and the source schema did not match any existing schema names in the database
Action: Specify the name of an existing schema

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ORA-31417: column list contains control column string


ORA-31417: column list contains control column string
Cause: Reserved column name was specified in a column list or column type parameter
Action: Control columns are selected with separate parameters. If you did not want a control column, then change the name of the specified column so that it does not conflict with a reserved column name

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ORA-31416: invalid SOURCE_COLMAP value


ORA-31416: invalid SOURCE_COLMAP value
Cause: A source_colmap value of 'y' was specified for an asynchronous change table
Action: Specify a source_colmap parameter value of 'n' and call the procedure again

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ORA-31415: change set string does not exist


ORA-31415: change set string does not exist
Cause: Specified change set does not exist or the user does not have access to the publications in that change set. The name specified did not match the name of any existing change set. Certain privileges are required to access the publications within that change set
Action: Check the name and call the procedure again, with the name of an existing change set. Contact the publisher or database administrator if user privileges are required to access the publications in the change set

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ORA-31414: error(s) occurred during change table advance


ORA-31414: error(s) occurred during change table advance
Cause: One or more errors occurred during the advance operation
Action: Check the log file(s) for a more detailed report of the underlying errors

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ORA-31413: change set string is currently being advanced


ORA-31413: change set string is currently being advanced
Cause: An advance operation is in progress for this change set and we only allow one at a time
Action: Since the change set is currently being advanced, the best action is to wait for it to finish advancing. Only one caller at a time can advance the change set. Check for the cause of long running advance operations

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ORA-31412: change set string is disabled and cannot be advanced


ORA-31412: change set string is disabled and cannot be advanced
Cause: The specified change set is disabled. The change set needs to be enabled for the operation to succeed
Action: Determine why the change set is disabled and correct this condition. Alter the change set specifying 'y' for advance_enable then retry the operation

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ORA-31411: change set string is referenced by a change table


ORA-31411: change set string is referenced by a change table
Cause: The operation cannot be performed because the change set contains one or more change tables
Action: You will need to drop the change table(s) first, then repeat the operation

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ORA-31410: change set string is not an existing change set


ORA-31410: change set string is not an existing change set
Cause: Could not find an existing change set by this name
Action: Check the spelling of the change set name. Call the procedure again, passing the correct change set name

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ORA-31409: one or more values for input parameters are incorrect


ORA-31409: one or more values for input parameters are incorrect
Cause: One or more of the inputs to the procedure had invalid values
Action: Identify the bad parameter(s) and supply correct values to the procedure

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