ORA-36740: A CHILDLOCK was detected in your valueset
Action: none
ORA-36740: A CHILDLOCK was detected in your valueset
Action: none
ORA-36735: A value exceeded the MAX specification
Action: none
ORA-36728: (XSALERR01) While performing the ALLOCATE command with AGGMAP workspace object, the error logging limit of number was exceeded
Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX value in the ALLOCMAP, but more errors were encountered while performing the allocation
Action: Either set ERRORLOG NOSTOP, reduce the allocation errors, or increase the ERRORLOG MAX setting
ORA-36726: (XSALERR00) The character 'character' is not a valid format specifier for the ALLOCATE error log
Cause: The user specified an invalid formatter in the ALLOCERRLOGHEADER or ALLOCERRLOGFORMAT options
Action: Correct the option to have a valid format
ORA-36722: (XSALLOC02) In AGGMAP workspace object, you specified an NA or ZERO sourceval but supplied formula workspace object as your source for ALLOCATE
Cause: The user requested that source values be modified during the allocation, but that is not possible when using a formula source
Action: Either use a VARIABLE source or remove the SOURCEVAL specification for your ALLOCMAP
ORA-36720: (XSALLOC01) To be used with ALLOCATE, your AGGMAP workspace object must be defined with the ALLOCMAP command
Cause: The user used the AGGMAP command to define the AGGMAP, so either the AGGMAP can only be used with the AGGREGATE command, or the AGGMAP has no contents attached to it
Action: Use the ALLOCMAP command to define the AGGMAP
ORA-36718: (XSALLOC00) You do not have the necessary permissions to use AGGMAP workspace object
Cause: The user did not have sufficient permissions to run the ALLOCATE command
Action: Change to a user ID with the appropriate permissions, or use objects that you have permission to use
ORA-36716: (XSMXALLOC04) %a workspace object workspace object You can only use the ACROSS phrase when allocation BASIS %p is a FORMULA
Cause: The user specified an ACROSS composite when the BASIS is not a FORMULA
Action: Remove the ACROSS phrase or use a FORMULA for the BASIS
ORA-36714: (XSMXALLOC03) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must have the same data type as TARGET variable workspace object
Cause: The user specified a TARGETLOG variable that had a different data type from the TARGET variable
Action: Use TARGETLOG and TARGET variables with an identical data type
ORA-36712: (XSMXALLOC02) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a SOURCE or BASIS with ALLOCATE
Cause: The user specified an invalid source or basis relation on the ALLOCATE command line
Action: Modify the relation to be a one-dimensional self-relation