Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-33217: (CINSERT20) Custom member values cannot be added to concat dimension workspace object, or to any of its bases, because it is not defined as UNIQUE


ORA-33217: (CINSERT20) Custom member values cannot be added to concat dimension workspace object, or to any of its bases, because it is not defined as UNIQUE
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE and retry

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ORA-33215: (CINSERT07) You cannot add session-only values to the workspace object dimension


ORA-33215: (CINSERT07) You cannot add session-only values to the workspace object dimension
Cause: The user tried to add a SESSION dimension value while a spreadsheet spreadsheet cursor was open
Action: Try adding the SESSION value while the cursor is not active

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ORA-33214: (CINSERT02) The workspace object dimension is too large


ORA-33214: (CINSERT02) The workspace object dimension is too large
Cause: The dimension has too many values
Action: Deleted values can still take up space in the dimension and cause this error. Try removing the deleted values by exporting the dimension to EIF and reimporting it with the REPLACE DELETE option

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ORA-33213: (CINSERT06) The target position for MAINTAIN ADD or MAINTAIN MOVE cannot fall in the range of session-only values


ORA-33213: (CINSERT06) The target position for MAINTAIN ADD or MAINTAIN MOVE cannot fall in the range of session-only values
Cause: The user specified a BEFORE or AFTER clause specifying a position in the range of SESSION dimension values
Action: Do not use a position clause, or specify a position before the first SESSION value

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ORA-33100: (APABBR02) Value ‘number’ is not valid for the workspace object option


ORA-33100: (APABBR02) Value 'number' is not valid for the workspace object option
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option
Action: Set a legal value for the option

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ORA-33098: (APABBR01) A value of ‘string’ is not valid for the workspace object option


ORA-33098: (APABBR01) A value of 'string' is not valid for the workspace object option
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option
Action: Set a legal value for the option

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ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting


ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting
Cause: formulas likely refer to each other recursively or with a great deal of depth
Action: eliminate recursion and flatten formula trees

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ORA-33092: (XSAGCOMP04) number is not the name of a MODEL in any attached analytic workspace


ORA-33092: (XSAGCOMP04) number is not the name of a MODEL in any attached analytic workspace
Cause: An invalid model name was attached to an AGGMAP
Action: Remove the model from the AGGMAP or create a model with that name

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ORA-33086: (XSAGINIT01) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be dimensioned by a conjoint dimension


ORA-33086: (XSAGINIT01) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be dimensioned by a conjoint dimension
Cause: The specified AGGMAP was dimensioned by a conjoint dimension
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the conjoint to a composite dimension

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ORA-33084: (XSAGDNGL42) In AGGMAP workspace object, you cannot qualify the dimensioned valueset workspace object


ORA-33084: (XSAGDNGL42) In AGGMAP workspace object, you cannot qualify the dimensioned valueset workspace object
Cause: The VALUESET line referred to a dimensioned valueset
Action: Use a non-dimensioned valueset to limit the status of the dimensioned one

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