Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-34726: (NLSCHARSET06) CAUTION: String truncated during character set conversion from string to string


ORA-34726: (NLSCHARSET06) CAUTION: String truncated during character set conversion from string to string
Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character set. The string required more bytes in the new encoding, and exceeded some byte limit on its allowable length, causing some characters to be removed from the end of the string
Action: If the byte limit is due to using the ID datatype, consider using the CHAR datatype instead. If the byte limit is due to the limit of 4000 bytes per line of CHAR data, break the long line up into multiple lines

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ORA-34722: (NLSCHARSET05) CAUTION: Character data loss in character set conversion from string to string


ORA-34722: (NLSCHARSET05) CAUTION: Character data loss in character set conversion from string to string
Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character set, but the string contained characters that didn't exist in the new character set
Action: Choose different character sets

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ORA-34719: (NLSCHARSET03) Character data loss in NTEXT/TEXT conversion


ORA-34719: (NLSCHARSET03) Character data loss in NTEXT/TEXT conversion
Cause: When character set conversion happens between TEXT and NTEXT either implicitly or explicitly, some characters are lost due to no mapping characters in the destination character set
Action: Make sure all the characters can be mapped to destination character set or set NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP to be FALSE. Note: This message is the OLAP equivalent of ORA-12713

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ORA-34656: (MXSQL24) Additional WHERE clause conditions with CURRENT OF syntax


ORA-34656: (MXSQL24) Additional WHERE clause conditions with CURRENT OF  syntax
Cause: A SQL UPDATE or DELETE statement tried to use the CURRENT of  syntax with a WHERE clause containing multiple conditions
Action: When using the CURRENT OF  syntax make sure it is the only condition in the WHERE clause

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ORA-34514: (MXOPERR) You cannot string string data in the expression that begins with ‘string’


ORA-34514: (MXOPERR) You cannot string string data in the expression that begins with 'string'
Cause: The user attempted an invalid operation
Action: none

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ORA-34489: (MXMAINT06) You cannot maintain workspace object because it is a SURROGATE


ORA-34489: (MXMAINT06) You cannot maintain workspace object because it is a SURROGATE
Cause: The user attempted to use the MAINTAIN command on a dimension surrogate. The MAINTAIN command can only be used with real dimensions, not surrogates
Action: Use the MAINTAIN command to modify the underlying dimension of the surrogate instead

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ORA-34487: (MXMAINT08) You cannot string values of non-unique concat dimension workspace object


ORA-34487: (MXMAINT08) You cannot string values of non-unique concat dimension workspace object
Cause: The specified MAINTAIN operation can only be applied to UNQUE concats
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE and retry

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ORA-34481: (MXMAINT07) You cannot string values of PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object


ORA-34481: (MXMAINT07) You cannot string values of PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object
Cause: User attempted to use the MAINTAIN command with some keyword other than ADD or DELETE on a partition template
Action: It is not possible to MAINTAIN a partition template, except to add or delete values of a partition list

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ORA-34363: (MXDSS13) number other user writing


ORA-34363: (MXDSS13) number other user writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1
Action: None

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ORA-34361: (MXDSS12) number other user reading


ORA-34361: (MXDSS12) number other user reading
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1
Action: None

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