Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-36393: (XSMXCLEA03) When using the AGGREGATES, CHANGES or CACHE options, you must specify the ALL keyword


ORA-36393: (XSMXCLEA03) When using the AGGREGATES, CHANGES or CACHE options, you must specify the ALL keyword
Cause: The user didn't use the ALL keyword when using CHANGES or CACHE
Action: Specify the ALL keyword

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ORA-36392: (XSMXCLEA02) When using CLEAR with the PRECOMPUTES or NONPRECOMPUTES options, you must supply an AGGMAP


ORA-36392: (XSMXCLEA02) When using CLEAR with the PRECOMPUTES or NONPRECOMPUTES options, you must supply an AGGMAP
Cause: The user didn't specify an AGGMAP with the CLEAR command
Action: Specify the AGGMAP used to aggregate the variable being cleared

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ORA-36391: (XSMXCLEA01) When CLEAR is used with the STATUS keyword or an AGGMAP, workspace object must be dimensioned identically to workspace object


ORA-36391: (XSMXCLEA01) When CLEAR is used with the STATUS keyword or an AGGMAP, workspace object must be dimensioned identically to workspace object
Cause: The user specified objects whose dimensionality didn't match
Action: Break up the CLEAR command into multiple commands where the dimensionality of the objects matches

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ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION number into PARTITION number due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION %J


ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION number into PARTITION number due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION %J
Cause: The user is attempting to use partitions as a means of sparsity control, however they have set up their partitions in a manner that simply makes no sense. It is a simple fact that during aggregation data becomes more dense, not less dense, and yet their partitions indicate the opposite
Action: Modify the partition template add the specified dimension into the source composite, or removing it from the target composite

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ORA-36380: (AGGRECURSE) AGGREGATE was called recursively, which is not allowed


ORA-36380: (AGGRECURSE) AGGREGATE was called recursively, which is not allowed
Cause: A model, NATRIGGER, or other object called the AGGREGATE function or command while another AGGREGATE function or command was already in progress
Action: Modify your objects so that they do not need to have two AGGREGATE commands or functions executing at once

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ORA-36378: (XSAGTHRWEIGHT) While running AGGREGATE with multiple threads, the weight variable workspace object specified by your ARGS variable workspace object must exist in the same analytic workspace as your AGGMAP workspace object


ORA-36378: (XSAGTHRWEIGHT) While running AGGREGATE with multiple threads, the weight variable workspace object specified by your ARGS variable workspace object must exist in the same analytic workspace as your AGGMAP workspace object
Cause: While running AGGREGATE in threaded mode, you attempted to specify a WEIGHT variable in another analytic workspace
Action: Use a weight variable from the same analytic workspace as the aggmap and rollup variable

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ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero


ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero
Cause: A calculation in the current AGGREGATE command attempted to divide by zero as a result of an AVERAGE, WAVERAGE, HAVERAGE or HWAVERAGE operation
Action: Either fix the data, or set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES to return NA instead of signaling an error

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ORA-36342: (SNSYN200) The format of the CLEAR command is: CLEAR [ ALL | STATUS ] [ AGGREGATES | CHANGES | PRECOMPUTES | NONPRECOMPUTES | CACHE ] FROM var1 [var2, var3…] [USING aggmap]


ORA-36342: (SNSYN200) The format of the CLEAR command is: CLEAR [ ALL | STATUS ] [ AGGREGATES | CHANGES | PRECOMPUTES | NONPRECOMPUTES | CACHE ] FROM var1 [var2, var3...] [USING aggmap]
Cause: The syntax for the CLEAR command was invalid
Action: Modify your syntax using the correct format

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ORA-36341: (SNSYN130) The format of the PARTITIONCHECK function is: PARTITIONCHECK(aggmap, partition_template)


ORA-36341: (SNSYN130) The format of the PARTITIONCHECK function is: PARTITIONCHECK(aggmap, partition_template)
Cause: Bad syntax
Action: Correct syntax

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ORA-36316: (PHYS02) Relation workspace object must be a single-dimensional relation that relates one INTEGER dimension to another


ORA-36316: (PHYS02) Relation workspace object must be a single-dimensional relation that relates one INTEGER dimension to another
Cause: The user specified an invalid relation while attempting to use the PHYSICAL command
Action: Specify a valid relation

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