Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-30945: Could not create mapping table ‘string’


ORA-30945: Could not create mapping table 'string'
Cause: A mapping table could not be created during XML schema evolution. For more information, see the more specific error below this one
Action: Ensure that a table with the given name does not exist and retry the operation

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ORA-30944: Error during rollback for XML schema ‘string’ table string column ‘string’


ORA-30944: Error during rollback for XML schema 'string' table string column 'string'
Cause: The given XMLType table/column which conforms to the given schema had errors during a rollback of XML schema evolution. For more information, see the more specific error below this one
Action: Based on the schema, table and column information in this error and the more specific error below, take corrective action

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ORA-30943: XML Schema ‘string’ is dependent on XML schema ‘string’


ORA-30943: XML Schema 'string' is dependent on XML schema 'string'
Cause: Not all dependent schemas were specified and/or the schemas were not specified in dependency order, i.e., if schema S1 is dependent on schema S, S must appear before S1
Action: Include the previously unspecified schema in the list of schemas and/or correct the order in which the schemas are specified. Then retry the operation

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ORA-30942: XML Schema Evolution error for schema ‘string’ table string column ‘string’


ORA-30942: XML Schema Evolution error for schema 'string' table string column 'string'
Cause: The given XMLType table/column which conforms to the given schema had errors during evolution. For more information, see the more specific error below this one
Action: Based on the schema, table and column information in this error and the more specific error below, take corrective action

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ORA-30941: Cannot specify empty URI for non-default namespace ‘string’


ORA-30941: Cannot specify empty URI for non-default namespace 'string'
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a namespace declaration for a non-default namespace using an empty URI string
Action: Specify a non-empty URI for namespace declarations other than the default namespace. ////// Errors 30942 to 30950 reserved for XML Schema Evolution

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ORA-30940: Cannot resolve prefix ‘string’ for QName node ‘string’


ORA-30940: Cannot resolve prefix 'string' for QName node 'string'
Cause: An attempt was made to store a QName value without having a valid namespace in scope for that prefix
Action: Declare the namespace for the prefix used

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ORA-30939: Order violation: Element ‘string’ may not follow element ‘string’


ORA-30939: Order violation: Element 'string' may not follow element 'string'
Cause: The XML schema specifies a content model that is sequential, where the order of nodes in the instance must follow the order specified by the schema, and this instance relies on the schema validity to avoid maintaining instance order information
Action: Insert elements only in the order specified in the schema

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ORA-30938: No prefix defined for namespace ‘string’ (particle string)


ORA-30938: No prefix defined for namespace 'string' (particle string)
Cause: An XML namespace mapping (xmlns:=) must be defined for each particle (element or attribute) stored in an schema-constrained XMLType document
Action: Add an xmlns attribute definition (attribute name="xmlns:prefix" and value="namespace URL") to the current XMLType document. The safest place to add this attribute is in the root node of the document to ensure that the mapping will be in scope

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ORA-30937: No schema definition for ‘string’ (namespace ‘string’) in parent ‘string’


ORA-30937: No schema definition for 'string' (namespace 'string') in parent 'string'
Cause: The schema definition for the parent node being processed does not allow for the specified child node in its content model. Note that any typecasting via xsi:type must occur before the schema definitions for the new type can be used
Action: Only insert elements and attributes declared in the schema. Check to make sure that xsi:type (if used) is specified first

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ORA-30936: Maximum number (string) of ‘string’ XML node elements exceeded


ORA-30936: Maximum number (string) of 'string' XML node elements exceeded
Cause: An attempt was made to insert more than the allowed number of elements (specified by the maxoccurs facet) into an XML document
Action: Do not attempt to add more than the maximum number of elements to XML documents

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