ORA-00326: log begins at change string, need earlier change string
Cause: The archived log supplied for recovery was generated after the log that is needed. Can not yet use the log for applying redo.
Action: Find correct archived log.
ORA-00326: log begins at change string, need earlier change string
Cause: The archived log supplied for recovery was generated after the log that is needed. Can not yet use the log for applying redo.
Action: Find correct archived log.
ORA-00325: archived log for thread string, wrong thread # string in header
Cause: The archived log is corrupted or for another thread. Can not use the log for applying redo.
Action: Find correct archived log.
ORA-00324: log file ‘string’ translated name ‘string’ too long, string characters exceeds string limit
Cause: the translated name for a log file is too long.
Action: Choose a untranslated name that yields a shorter translated name.
ORA-00323: Current log of thread string not useable and all others need archiving
Cause: Attempt to open thread failed because it is necessary to switch redo generation to another online log, but all the other logs need to be archived before they can be used.
Action: Archive the logs for the thread then retry open.
ORA-00322: log string of thread string is not current copy
Cause: Check of log file header at database open found that an online log appears to be an incorrectly restored backup.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.
ORA-00321: log string of thread string, cannot update log file header
Cause: Cannot write to the log file.
Action: Restore the access to the file.
ORA-00320: cannot read file header from log string of thread string
Cause: The file is not available.
Action: Restore the log file.
ORA-00319: log string of thread string has incorrect log reset status
Cause: Check of log file header at database open found that an online log has log reset data that is different from the control file. The log is probably an incorrectly restored backup.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.
ORA-00318: log string of thread string, expected file size string doesn’t match string
Cause: On header read the file size indicated in the control file did not match the file size contained in the log file.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.
ORA-00317: file type string in header is not log file
Cause: This is not an archived log file.
Action: Find the correct file and try again.