EXP-00019: failed to process parameters, type ‘EXP HELP=Y’ for help
Cause: Invalid command-line parameters were specified.
Action: Check the online help screen for the set of valid parameters, then retry.
EXP-00019: failed to process parameters, type ‘EXP HELP=Y’ for help
Cause: Invalid command-line parameters were specified.
Action: Check the online help screen for the set of valid parameters, then retry.
EXP-00018: datatype (number) for column string, table string.string is not supported
Cause: Export does not support the referenced datatype.
Action: Retry with an acceptable datatype (CHAR, NUMBER, DATE, LONG, or RAW).
EXP-00017: feature “string” is needed, but not present in database
Cause: The command entered requires the specified feature. Either that feature is not installed, or the row describing the feature is missing from table V$OPTION
Action: Reinstall Oracle with the feature specified in the message.
EXP-00016: ORACLE error encountered while reading default auditing options
Cause: Export encountered an Oracle error while reading the default auditing options (those for updates, deletes, and so on).
Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
EXP-00015: error on row number of table string, column string, datatype number
Cause: Export encountered an error while fetching or writing the column. An accompanying message gives more information.
Action: Correct the error and try again.
EXP-00014: error on row number of table string
Cause: Export encountered an Oracle error while fetching rows
Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
EXP-00013: respond with either ‘Y’, ‘N’, RETURN or ‘.’ to quit
Cause: An invalid response was entered.
Action: Enter any of the responses shown in the message.
EXP-00012: string is not a valid export mode
Cause: An invalid export mode was specified.
Action: Retry with a valid export mode.
EXP-00011: string.string does not exist
Cause: Export could not find the specified table.
Action: Retry with the correct table name.
EXP-00010: string is not a valid username
Cause: An invalid username was specified.
Action: Shut down the utility, then restart and retry with a valid username.