DRG-11521: encounter error when updating a LONG or LONG RAW column
Cause: see accompanying error message
Action: see accompanying error message
DRG-11521: encounter error when updating a LONG or LONG RAW column
Cause: see accompanying error message
Action: see accompanying error message
DRG-11520: error writing to file
Cause: file does not exist
Action: make sure file exists
DRG-11519: encounter error when exporting a LONG or LONG RAW column
Cause: see accompanying error message
Action: see accompanying error message
DRG-11518: text table string does not have a LONG or LONG RAW column
Cause: table specified does not have a LONG or LONG RAW column
Action: check the table
DRG-11517: error when validating text objects
Cause: see accompanying Oracle error
Action: see accompanying Oracle error
DRG-11516: user must be at least in role CTXUSER to perform this operation
Cause: user does not have CTXUSER, CXAPP or CTXADMIN role
Action: grant user the proper role
DRG-11515: not enough text key values
Cause: number of values provided does not match the number of text keys
Action: provide same number of values as the number of text keys
DRG-11514: user string does not have UPDATE or SELECT privilege on string
Cause: user has not been granted UPDATE or SELECT privilege
Action: check privilege on the user
DRG-11513: unable to open or write to file string
Cause: an attempt to open or to write to the given file failed
Action: check with system administrator
DRG-11512: bad syntax for thesaurus load file at line string
Cause: load file must have specific format for loading thesaurus
Action: check documentation for description of correct format