DRG-11605: URL store: document specified by string not found
Cause: the document can not be found on the host specified
Action: check URL
DRG-11605: URL store: document specified by string not found
Cause: the document can not be found on the host specified
Action: check URL
DRG-11604: URL store: access to string is denied
Cause: access to the URL is denied
Action: check URL; if correct, do not try to access URL again
DRG-11603: URL store: payment required to access string
Cause: payment is required before the URL can be accessed
Action: check URL, or pay if required if access necessary
DRG-11602: URL store: access to string requires authentication
Cause: user has to provide password or other authentication
Action: get required access, or check URL
DRG-11601: URL store: bad syntax on request for string
Cause: client did not make correct request
Action: contact support
DRG-11600: URL store: string has permanently moved
Cause: the document referred to by the URL has permanently moved
Action: find the new address, if any, of the document
DRG-11535: error writing phrase or qualifier: string on line string to memory
Cause: not enough memory
Action: allocate more memory, contact WorldWide Support if problem persists
DRG-11534: invalid column string
Cause: column does not exist or it's misspelled
Action: processing discontinued - amend record
DRG-11533: improper value of column string
Cause: value of the column is too long or mismatched quote
Action: processing discontinued - amend record
DRG-11532: error reading through end of line string for file string
Cause: characters encountered while reading through end of line
Action: remove extraneous characters