DRG-11625: MAXURLS * URLSIZE must be less than string
Cause: MAXURLS * URLSIZE cannot be larger than the limit
Action: Lower either MAXURLS or URLSIZE
DRG-11625: MAXURLS * URLSIZE must be less than string
Cause: MAXURLS * URLSIZE cannot be larger than the limit
Action: Lower either MAXURLS or URLSIZE
DRG-11624: invalid attribute string for string: proper range string to string
Cause: unexpected error
Action: change attribute value
DRG-11623: URL store: unknown error getting string
Cause: unexpected error
Action: contact support
DRG-11622: URL store: unknown HTTP error getting string
Cause: an unexpected HTTP error has occurred
Action: consult HTTP error codes; if valid, contact support
DRG-11621: URL store: socket open error for string
Cause: socket open failed; probably too many open file descriptors
Action: reduce the maximum number of threads started
DRG-11620: URL store: thread operation error
Cause: thread operation failed
Action: contact system administrator
DRG-11619: URL store: row in table is empty
Cause: row deleted or otherwise missing
Action: check table if necessary
DRG-11618: URL store: document identified by string is too large
Cause: document larger than user-set maximum size
Action: do not access URL, or increase document size limit
DRG-11617: URL store: URL string is too long
Cause: The length of the URL string is longer than URLSIZE
Action: set URLSIZE attribute to a larger value
DRG-11616: URL store: too many redirections trying to access string
Cause: too long a chain of HTTP redirections given the URL
Action: contact the Web administrator of the remote host