DRG-11817: Proxy Redirect
Cause: Proxy redirection. Not used HTTP_ERROR = 306
Action: Outdated due to HTTP evolution
DRG-11817: Proxy Redirect
Cause: Proxy redirection. Not used HTTP_ERROR = 306
Action: Outdated due to HTTP evolution
DRG-11816: Use Proxy
Cause: The client should use specified proxy to repeat the request HTTP_ERROR = 305
Action: The user agent takes proper actions
DRG-11815: Not Modified
Cause: Response to conditional GET, indicating document not modified. HTTP_ERROR = 304
Action: The user agent takes proper actions
DRG-11814: See Other
Cause: The URI can be found using GET METHOD under a different URI HTTP_ERROR = 303
Action: The user agent takes proper actions
DRG-11813: Moved Temporarily
Cause: The URI resides temporarily under a different URI. HTTP_ERROR = 302
Action: The user agent takes proper actions
DRG-11812: Moved Permanently
Cause: The URI has been assigned a new permanent URI HTTP_ERROR = 301
Action: The user agent takes proper actions
DRG-11811: Multiple Choices
Cause: Telling client multiple choices of resources is possible HTTP_ERROR = 300
Action: The user agent takes proper actions
DRG-11810: Partial Update OK
Cause: Telling client document is partially updated HTTP_ERROR = 207
Action: The user agent takes proper actions
DRG-11809: Partial Content
Cause: Telling client document content is a patial content HTTP_ERROR = 206
Action: The user agent takes proper actions
DRG-11808: Reset Content
Cause: Telling client to reset the document view HTTP_ERROR = 205
Action: The user agent takes proper actions