DRG-13009: multi lexer preference does not have a DEFAULT sub lexer
Cause: you tried to use a multi lexer preference which does not have a DEFAULT sub lexer defined
Action: add a DEFAULT sub lexer to the multi lexer preference and retry
DRG-13009: multi lexer preference does not have a DEFAULT sub lexer
Cause: you tried to use a multi lexer preference which does not have a DEFAULT sub lexer defined
Action: add a DEFAULT sub lexer to the multi lexer preference and retry
DRG-13008: cannot remove the DEFAULT sub lexer
Cause: you tried to remove the DEFAULT sub lexer
Action: none
DRG-13007: cannot define an alternate value for the DEFAULT sub lexer
Cause: you tried to define an alternate value for the DEFAULT sub lexer
Action: none
DRG-13006: sub lexer for this language is not defined
Cause: you tried to remove a sub lexer for a language, but no sub lexer was defined for that language
Action: none
DRG-13005: alt_value cannot be an NLS language name
Cause: you specified an NLS language name as the alt value
Action: specify a non-NLS value
DRG-13004: language is invalid
Cause: you specified an invalid language for the sub lexer or stopword
Action: specify a valid language -- see NLS Support Guide for a list of valid languages
DRG-13003: preference string cannot be used as a sub lexer
Cause: you specified a preference for sub lexer which is not a lexer, or is a multi-lingual lexer
Action: specify a sub lexer which is not a multi-lingual lexer
DRG-13002: preference string is not a MULTI_LEXER
Cause: you tried to add a sub lexer to a lexer preference which cannot accept sub lexers. Only multi-lingual lexers can accept sub lexers
Action: specify a multi lingual lexer
DRG-13001: sub lexer and multi lexer must have the same owner
Cause: you specified a sub lexer which is not owned by the owner of the enclosing multi-lingual lexer preference
Action: specify a sub lexer owned by the owner of the multi-lexer preference
DRG-13000: error while adding or removing a sub lexer
Cause: see next error
Action: none